Team:HokkaidoU Japan/Overview

Team:HokkaidoU Japan -


Team:HokkaidoU Japan


Project description

We focused on possible application of self-assembling peptides (SAPs). SAPs have a self-assembling ability because they are amphiphilic peptides and contain hydrophobic and hydrophilic residues. These electric charged amino acids interact with one another to form spontaneously antiparallel β-sheet in a physiochemical environmental condition.
In this projects, we used one of SAPs, RADA16-I (RADARADARADARADA) and P11-4 (QQRFEWEFEQQ).
RADA P11-4
Fig. 1. RADA16-I and P11-4 self-assemble under suitable physiochemical conditions
due to the polar amino acids and hydrophobic interaction and form β-sheet.
enzymatic reaction
Fig. 2. Forming multiple GFPs ring (Self AssembRing)

RADA16-I has been established for 3-D culture of neural stem cells (NSCs) by creating nanostructures. P11-4 has been designed to form fibers at low pH and have a cytocompatibility.
Recently, SAPs have proved a good biological material. We investigated new application methods of SAPs through discussions. Finally, we decided to construct multi-enzyme-complex platform using SAPs and short linker (SL). They are covalently linked each other through disulfide bonds and may constitute a circularized multiple enzymes(Self AssembRing).
In the future, we will construct a tool for making subunits of artificial multi-enzyme-complex by using this technology.


Self-Assembling Peptides

Recently, self-assembling peptides (SAPs) have been noted as biological nanostructures and hydrogel because SAPs are provided with biogenic suitabilities and don’t have cytotoxicity. SAPs have been used as a scaffold for cell culturing and drug delivering in tissue engineering and medical technology. For example, RADA16-I self-assembles nanofibrous forming hydrogel and is used for 3-D culture such as neural stem cells (NSCs), bones, cartilage tissues. However, SAPs seldom using in iGEM such as EAK16-II (2008 iGEM Imperial College London)and RADA16 2009 iGEM Slovenia). We need to construct new application methods and use more often.

Enhancement of enzymatic activity

Improving enzymatic activities is needed promote chemical reactions. Enzymatic activities can be enhanced by various ways including amino acid substitution, enzyme compartmentation, circularization, and multimelarization. For example, 2014 iGEM Heidelberg team constructed covalently linked circulated enzymes by using intein and extein to increase the enzyme stability. We inspired this projects and we try to construct circularized enzyme by using SAPs. Then, we hit upon constructing circularized multi-enzyme. Finally, we focused on these two projects.

Parts designing

We designed parts using Benchling tool and used free DNA synthesis gBlocks® Gene Fragments from IDT. IDT gBlock DNA can synthesize 200~2000bp. Because some parts are over 3000bp, we ordered splitting parts with restriction sites. After receiving them, we cut them by restriction enzymes and ligated another parts. GC rich or repeating sequences are difficult for synthesizing. Actually, we were rejected synthesize these sequences and we cannot proceed our projects smoothly. (こんなこと書いたらよくない?)



  • We completed the team registration.
  • We wrote team wiki.
  • Poster and a talk for the iGEM Jamboree are ready.
  • We described all attributions clearly.
  • We created and documented Parts pages.
  • We submitted DNA samples of our new BioBrick Parts.
  • We filled out Safety forms.
  • We filled out Judging form.


  • We validated our new BioBrick parts.
  • We collaborated with other iGEM teams (Gifu, Kyoto, Nagahama, UT-tokyo, METU HS Ankara, Heidelberg)
  • We considered that prevalence of synthetic biology


  • We improved a previous part.
  • We demonstrated a functional proof of concept of our project.