

Bronze Requirements

3.Create a page on your team wiki with clear attribution of each aspect of your project.
The contributions each team member made to this year's final project are detailed on this page.

4. Document at least one new standard BioBrick Part or Device central to your project and submit this part to the iGEM Registry. You may also document a new application of a BioBrick part from a previous iGEM year, adding that documentation to the part main page.
Part BBa E0033 compliments our new part, BBa K2105000, both of which are explained on this page.

Silver Requirements

1. Experimentally validate that at least one new BioBrick Part or Device of your own design and construction works as expected.
We submitted BBa_K2105000 as a brand new part. It creates an incomplete molecule as a step in our project, and is further explained here.

2. Convince the judges you have helped any registered iGEM team from high school, a different track, another university, or another institution in a significant way.
We worked with both Team Sydney Australia and Team Michigan Software, but most notably created a bench-to-bedside guide that can be used by other diagnostic track teams.

3. Demonstrate how your team has identified, investigated, and addressed ethics, sustainability, social justice, safety, security, and intellectual property rights.
A lot of effort went into addressing several human practice components, including making website that discusses ethical concerns and public education. We also proposed a safety system that could be applied in future synthetic biology projects.

Gold Requirements

Starting with the simplest of safety principles in the lab and moving up, the team was able to assure a safe design phase as well as provide an environmentally safe final project. Conventional laboratory safety procedures as mandated by the University of Michigan’s department of safety and common good practice were followed. When considering the hazards posed to organisms by the project, E. coli was the only organism used. Even then it was only included as a cloning and expression agent, and never left the wet lab. Also included in our design is a theoretical bio-part that would ensure that the project’s DNA cannot spread into environmental organisms using DNase. This part could be applied broadly in future synthetic biology projects as a self-erasing kill switch that cannot damage the protected DNA of other organisms.

You can read in more detail about safety issues regarding our project in our safety tab.