Team:Guanajuato Mx/HP/Silver

iGEM Guanajuato Mx


As part of our Policy and practices our team developed several activities through the year.



1. First meeting of synthetic biology in Mexico (Guanajuato, Gto. August, 5th.)

    On August 5th, Team Guanajuato_Mx hosted a MeetUp in Guanajuato City. Four Mexican teams attended our invitation: TecCEM, Tec-Monterrey, Pumas_México and Tec-Chihuahua.

    This was a great chance to share our projects not only with other teams, but also to public in general. Several students from nearby cities (León, Celaya, Irapuato, Silao) joined the event where they had the chance to get involved a little bit in the field of synthetic biology.

    It was a very enriching experience since we all received feedback from both experts and members of other teams.

    PhD Agustino Martínez, our invited researcher, gave us a speech about the projects he is currently working with and at the end we have a round table where we discussed some issues synthetic biology is facing nowadays.

    Afterwards, during the evening, our guests could just relax, explore and enjoy all the wonders of this beautiful city.

2. Letting us know in “Clubes de Ciencia México” (Guanajuato, Gto. August, 6th.)

    Every year during the summer, science clubs are held in Guanajuato city. During one week, students learn about an specific topic, coached by whether Mexican or foreign students from prestigious universities from the USA, for example, Harvard and the MIT. It is an honor for us to say that our members have participated in past editions.

    On this edition we had the opportunity to explain to all participants a little bit about our project "Smart biopatch for detection of infections in burns". This task was carried out by Cristina Rincón, Montserrat Venegas and Uriel Barboza.

    Thanks to the local crew of Clubes de Ciencia México and to our member Rodolfo Ferro for giving us this space so that other students know what synthetic biology and iGEM are.

3.Talk at the faculty of Chemistry of “Universidad de Guanajuato” (Guanajuato, Gto. October, 14th.)

    On Friday, October 14th our team attended an invitation from the university, to give a presentation about what Synbio, iGEM and our project are about, the objective was to spread all these topics to the community of UG-DCNE.


4. A visit to a primary school for awareness about burns (Silao, Gto. September, 13th.)

    To raise awareness among smaller, students from UPIIG-IPN belonging to the iGEM Guanajuato team, attended primary school in a community in Silao, Guanajuato.

    On September 13th, Israel González, Mijael Torres, Elizabeth Lozano and Maria Ramirez, students of Biotechnological engineering at UPIIG-IPN, attended to "Amado Nervo" elementary school, in the community of San Miguel del Arenal in Silao, Guanajuato, where, accompanied by our adviser, PhD. Karla Macias we presented our project and its importance.

    Running with balloons simulating bacteria, rolling under "smoke" and singing about dangerous situations at our homes, are some of the interactive games and activities that were held with children from 1st to 6th grade.

    We thank to the Principal Lourdes Díaz Pérez and the teacher Ma. Concepción García Pérez, for giving us the space and the opportunity to make this visit, where we leave happy and satisfied with the attitude and attention of each child.


5.Presentation in ENMSI (Irapuato, Gto. September, 23th.)

    On Friday, September 23th, Isamar Sánchez, member of our team, attended Escuela de Nivel Medio Superior de Irapuato (ENMSI), a high school in Irapuato City, where she gave a speech to students from first, third and fifth semester about burn injuries, how to prevent them and how iGEM Guanajuato MX attempts to prevent infections and to solve this problem.

    To raise awareness among young people is essential to decrease the number of diseases caused by burn injuries and its infections. Thanks to Universidad de Guanajuato, to Mr. Gerardo Esparza by his attention and to principal Raquel Castro Soriano for letting us in and allowing the promotion of our work.

6. Participation in AGROBIOTEG (Irapuato, Gto. September, 24th.)

    Team Guanajuato Mx attended on Saturday, September 24th to Agrobioteg, an innovation park focused on biotechnological development, where some projects and ideas were presented by faculty from CINVESTAV Irapuato and researchers entrepreneurs such as PhD Agustino Martínez, Head of Genetic Engineering Department, Miguel Angel Ramos with his project Eregene, Sandra Martínez, PhD Ismael Sánchez and PhD. Octavio García, CEO of T4Oligo.

    Here we had the chance to learn from these people and promote our project and the iGEM competition.

    Agrobioteg aims to create a biohacker space, helped by multidisciplinary teams to improve the technological development of the region. To learn more about AGROBIOTEG, visit its official website

7. Participation in the Week of Science and Technology at The Higher Technological Institute of Irapuato (ITESI) (Irapuato, Gto. October, 14th.)

    On Friday October 14th our team was invited to give a speech about iGEM and synthetic biology at the Week of Science and technology at ITESI in the city of Irapuato, Guanajuato. Team Member Uriel Barboza attended on behalf of our team and gave a presentation to the students and faculty community of ITESI.



8. Introduction to Synthetic biology Course by iGEM Guanajuato_MX & iGEM Calgary

    Team Guanajuato in collaboration with Team Calgary, designed a small introductory course on the basics of biological engineering, consisting of 8 lectures through the course with duration of 2 months. These lectures were aimed at first semester Biotechnology students from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education Campus Quéretaro. The course was given by Uriel Eleazar Barboza Pérez (iGEM Guanajuato_MX), Tiffany Dang ( iGEM Calgary ), Aidee Rodriguez (iGEM Guanajuato_MX) and Shalpinder Dhothar (iGEM Calgary)


    We have worked in the design and performing of workshops related to life sciences. The specific goal of the workshops is sharing scientific knowledge with young students about microbiology, molecular biology, and structural biology.

    The first workshop called Bacteria in my life and in my lab was performed in collaboration with Jorge Rocha, a postdoc in Harvard, as a part of the program Clubes de Ciencia Mexico in Yucatan on July 28th. This workshop combined microbiological strategies with computational tools in order to assess evolutionary processes in bacteria.

    The second workshop was called Hacking a fluorescent bacteria; this workshop was performed in collaboration with Biohackademy in the Lab of Physicochemistry and Engineering of Proteins, UNAM, in Mexico City on August 27th. The goal was the teaching of basic tools of molecular biology such as bacteria transformation using Green Fluorescent Protein as a reporter gene.

    The third workshop was called 3D Biomolecules. It is an introduction to Structural Biology using software and 3D printing for the visualization and editing of proteins, nucleic acids, and metabolites.This workshop was performed in Hacedores MakerSpace in collaboration with Biohackademy on August 29th.


Videocall team iGem EPFL from Switzerland

iGEM Team EPFL created a worldwide database which integrates SynBio projects. For this reason we had an interview with them in order to share our projects. For more information, please click on the link below.

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Campaign iGEM Tel Hai