
  • Team Members

    Nick Emery


    Vijay Vobbilisetty

    Vijay is a sophomore studying Biomedical Engineering & Pre-Medicine at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

    Irina Kopyeva

    Irina is a sophomore studying Chemical Engineering with a concentration in Life Sciences. She loves to whitewater kayak and being outdoors in general!

    Alex Girgis

    Alex, a rising sophomore from Grand Rapids, is majoring in Biomedical Engineering with a biochemical concentration. Ultimately he will pursue a career in medicine. He considers himself “not bad” at Argentine Tango.

    Rachel Sun

    bio here

    Alex Hadd


    Aaron Renberg

    bio here

    Siddharth Madapoosi

    Siddharth is a sophomore studying Microbiology with a minor in Applied Statistics and intends to pursue a career in epidemiology. He enjoys traveling and is excited about being a part of MSBT.

    Akira Nishii

    bio here

    Zach Bernstein

    bio here

    Dany Lewin

    I’m Dany and I am originally from Mexico. I transferred to the University of Michigan a year ago and now I am a junior in cell and molecular biology. This is my first year in MSBT and I am super excited to go to Boston!

    Cristina Castillo

    I am a recent graduate from the University of Michigan in Cell and Molecular Biology. I have been part of MSBT for three years now and currently I am an advisor for the team. I am also a research assistant in a physiology lab on campus, I study effects of hypoxia in cancer. I plan to continue my career as a scientist doing a MD/PhD program.

    Pearl Tu

    I am a Master student in Public Health, majoring in Nutritional Sciences. I first joined iGEM as Human Practice leader with The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2012, and this year, 2016, I am back to iGEM as Human Practice advisor. While products of Synthetic Biology are appearing in food processing, I am interested in seeing how the gap between general public and profession in Synthetic Biology has been addressed in the last 4 years!

    Robin Pearce

    bio here