As a team of high school students, we are sincerely grateful for all the help we’ve received from our PI, Mr. Zhao Huan, who taught us through the basics of molecular biology, lectured to us about lab safety, and have always been there for us to provide guidance on all problems we encountered.
Our school doesn't have a fund for iGEM teams, so we raised money to pay for registration through Crowdfunding, an online platform, and received a generous sponsorship from Due West Education.
Inevitably there are some parts of the experiment that can’t be done in our school’s molecular lab, and we are thankful for Dr. Wang Miao from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science and his lab for letting us purify proteins and do measurement, and complete our InterLab Study there.
As we sought to connect our project with the real world, Dr. Meng Lu and Dr. Wang Jiaqi from the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science strengthened our Human Practice section by accepting our interview and helping us schedule a visit to Sanyuan Milk Group, with a guide explaining every step of the process in the plant.
Also, we want to give special thanks to everyone that pitched in our crowdfunding, and all teachers in SDSZ international education department and biology faculty for supporting us throughout the year!