
Team Tübingen.

Back row: Brian Weidensee, Adrian Geißler, Nicolai von Kuegelgen, Nikolas Layer, Maximilian Bunz, Lukas Fuhs, Pascal Wang, Jens Reich

Center: Yana Parfyonova, Stefanie Holz, Lucas Muehling, Stefan Petschak, Mirjam Gneiting, Milena Krach, Katharina Sporbeck

Front row: Alexander Roehl, Daniela Nguyen, Tim Kucera

Not in the Picture: Simon Christmann, Kevin Sabath, Sarah Roffeis, Antonia Grauel

This is our team consisting of 18 Bachelor and Master students from study subjects like Biochemistry, Biology, Bioinformatics, Molecular Medicine and Pharmacy. The wide range of study fields gives us the possibility to combine our expertise and the forming of expert groups. There was a weekly meeting of all expert groups to share experience with the team. The completion of skills lead to a good working atmosphere in the lab. Together we made the idea of our project come true.