
Diabetes Walk

   Over the course of our journey through the Sweet and Safe? storyline, our team had the opportunity to explore public perceptions through a diverse, intriguing set of perspective and backgrounds. Our research and interviews uncovered the contentious viewpoints surrounding how the public interprets these zero-calorie sweeteners. In a domain steeped in vocal opinion and controversy, we were appreciative of our opportunity to explore both negative health perceptions from the view of the public, as well as the positive health benefits from a scientific standpoint. Given the immense importance of the rising rates of obesity and diabetes both throughout the United States and beyond, we felt an incredible responsibility to our mission of expanding accessibility to these sweeteners. To show our dedication, however, we decided to take our mission one-step farther. As the conclusion to our Sweet and Safe? storyline, we partnered with the American Diabetes Association to host our own Diabetes Walk fundraiser.

   Excitedly setting up our tables, banners, flyers, and balloons, we prepared for our Diabetes Walk on a brisk, beautiful Santa Cruz morning. Overlooking the stunning Santa Cruz bay, our two-mile walk extended across the locally famous West Cliff Drive, known for its scenic view of the ocean and pier. We were passionate and proud to bring the community together to spread awareness and cultivate discussion around diabetes. We were blown away by the turn out of the event, and could not be more appreciative of the community support we received. Sharing the vision of the American Diabetes Association for a world free of diabetes, we were inspired at the opportunity to raise funds and support the 29.1 million Americans currently suffering from the disease. After a morning of excitement and appreciation, we were happy to both raise over one thousand dollars in donations as well as promote open discussion and understanding throughout the community.

   When all is said and done, we were gratified at the opportunity to explore these pivotal questions; and we hope you enjoyed journeying through this storyline as much as we enjoyed experiencing it.