


We want to give a colossal thank you to the following organizations for their help in the success of our project:

Thank you to Wisconsin Lutheran College for all of your financial support as well as encouragement, and providing a place for a Christ-centered education!

Thank you to the admissions and marketing department for your help with outreach for our summer camp.

A special thanks to the Biology department for their resources, lab space, and mentorship.

Thank you Genscript for your generous donation towards building parts!

A great many thanks to the Center for BioMolecular Modeling at the Milwaukee School of Engineering for spending time with our summer camp students!

Thank you to our advisors, Dr. Henkel and Dr. Werner! Without their hard work, we would not have a completed project. They both were of great help with their advice and the numerous hours they helped in the laboratory.

We appreciate the work of Dr. Balza, a professor at Wisconsin Lutheran College. He volunteered his time to speak with our summer camp students and show them the various coral species we have on campus. The team, as well as the campers, really enjoyed it!

A huge thank you to the computer science students who helped our team with the layout of our team wiki and uploading content as well.

To see what each team member did, please visit our team page.