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Revision as of 09:12, 15 October 2016


Central China Conference (July 7~July9)

Invited by HUST-China team, we participated in the Central China Conference in Wuhan. In the conference, we shared our project idea with other team members, including Jilin_China, Nanjing-China, WHU-iGEM, HZAU-China, ShanghaiTechChina_B and NUDT_CHINA iGEM team. Through the discussion, we came up with fresh new points and solutions for the projects. Obviously, all of us got great suggestions to improve projects further for the Giant Jamboree.

2016 NCTU Meetup (July 31)

This summer, we invited three iGEM teams in Taiwan. They were Mingdao, NTHU_Taiwan, and CGU_Taiwan. As a warm-up for Asia-Pacific Conference, the meetup set up as a stage for each team to present their progress of the project in this summer and exchange ideas and experiences.

Additionally, we arranged some other activities, including campus guide and playing the simulative board game. Also, NTHU_Taiwan guided all of us to enjoy the beauty of National Tsing Hua University as well for the two schools are adjacent. All of us have established friendships among teams, and we all had an exciting and fruitful day in NCTU.

Conversation with Aachen iGEM Team (August 3)

NCTU_Formosa and iGEM Aachen had a Skype video chat. In the online chat, we grasped the project bilaterally and exchanged opinions. Apart from exchanging academic opinion, we had a great conversation in the history of the team, habits and also the simulative board game we designed “Pest Crisis’’. In the conversation, we gained better understandings of each other in science and culture.

2016 NYMU Meetup (August 6)

We went to National Yang Ming University to attend the meetup with six other schools including NYMU, NCTU, NTHU, CGU, Tongji University, CCU, and TAS. In the meeting, we grasped the projects of every university. Most of the projects were about Environment & Health and Medicine. Every project is creative and has their merits, and all the pros and cons make us go forward.

2016 iGEM Asia-Pacific Conference (August 8~August 14)

iGEM teams from all over Asia (including China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan) gathered to participate in the conference held by NCKU_Tainan. Five days of the exhausting yet exciting journey then began. Every morning, selected teams are scheduled to present their project. Later in the afternoon, well-designed activities such as round table, and experience workshop were held. Experience workshop offers iGEMers from different teams to share mutual experiences and pass on good ideas. Furthermore, NCKU invited many experts in the biological industry to discuss with us, letting us understand more about the current development in biotech industry. During the poster time, we exchange ideas and seek to improve projects through discussion.

University of Auckland iGEM Team (July 11)

The University of Auckland iGEM Team’s student leader, Jessia Chiang, came to visit us in our school. We exchanged some experience with our project. We are surprised that the two teams both dedicate to tackle the long-lasting problem in the environment and improve the human health quality for future generation.

South University of Science and Technology of China

Team members from SUSTC visited us for a two-day trip. The first day, we took them to the famous scenery in Hsinchu and ate some local food. The next day, we introduced National Chiao Tung University campus, meeting room, photo wall and a small greenhouse. Simultaneously, we shared our exciting board game "Gene Armageddon _ Pest Crisis". In these two days, we exchange different customs and cultural from our hometown. Thanks very much for SUSTC that they gave us the opportunity to make friend with a different country.