Difference between revisions of "Team:ShanghaitechChina/Safety"

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<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<!-- Basic styling, centering the canvas -->
canvas {
display: block;
position: absolute;
margin: auto;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
right: 0;
* Constants
WIDTH  = 700,
HEIGHT = 600,
pi = Math.PI,
UpArrow  = 38,
DownArrow = 40,
* Game elements
* The player paddle
* @type {Object}
player = {
x: null,
y: null,
width:  20,
height: 100,
* Update the position depending on pressed keys
update: function() {
if (keystate[UpArrow]) this.y -= 7;
if (keystate[DownArrow]) this.y += 7;
// keep the paddle inside of the canvas
this.y = Math.max(Math.min(this.y, HEIGHT - this.height), 0);
* Draw the player paddle to the canvas
draw: function() {
ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
* The ai paddle
* @type {Object}
ai = {
x: null,
y: null,
width:  20,
height: 100,
* Update the position depending on the ball position
update: function() {
// calculate ideal position
var desty = ball.y - (this.height - ball.side)*0.5;
// ease the movement towards the ideal position
this.y += (desty - this.y) * 0.1;
// keep the paddle inside of the canvas
this.y = Math.max(Math.min(this.y, HEIGHT - this.height), 0);
* Draw the ai paddle to the canvas
draw: function() {
ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height);
* The ball object
* @type {Object}
ball = {
x:  null,
y:  null,
vel: null,
side:  20,
speed: 12,
* Serves the ball towards the specified side
* @param  {number} side 1 right
*                      -1 left
serve: function(side) {
// set the x and y position
var r = Math.random();
this.x = side===1 ? player.x+player.width : ai.x - this.side;
this.y = (HEIGHT - this.side)*r;
// calculate out-angle, higher/lower on the y-axis =>
// steeper angle
var phi = 0.1*pi*(1 - 2*r);
// set velocity direction and magnitude
this.vel = {
x: side*this.speed*Math.cos(phi),
y: this.speed*Math.sin(phi)
* Update the ball position and keep it within the canvas
update: function() {
// update position with current velocity
this.x += this.vel.x;
this.y += this.vel.y;
// check if out of the canvas in the y direction
if (0 > this.y || this.y+this.side > HEIGHT) {
// calculate and add the right offset, i.e. how far
// inside of the canvas the ball is
var offset = this.vel.y < 0 ? 0 - this.y : HEIGHT - (this.y+this.side);
this.y += 2*offset;
// mirror the y velocity
this.vel.y *= -1;
// helper function to check intesectiont between two
// axis aligned bounding boxex (AABB)
var AABBIntersect = function(ax, ay, aw, ah, bx, by, bw, bh) {
return ax < bx+bw && ay < by+bh && bx < ax+aw && by < ay+ah;
// check againts target paddle to check collision in x
// direction
var pdle = this.vel.x < 0 ? player : ai;
if (AABBIntersect(pdle.x, pdle.y, pdle.width, pdle.height,
this.x, this.y, this.side, this.side)
) {
// set the x position and calculate reflection angle
this.x = pdle===player ? player.x+player.width : ai.x - this.side;
var n = (this.y+this.side - pdle.y)/(pdle.height+this.side);
var phi = 0.25*pi*(2*n - 1); // pi/4 = 45
// calculate smash value and update velocity
var smash = Math.abs(phi) > 0.2*pi ? 1.5 : 1;
this.vel.x = smash*(pdle===player ? 1 : -1)*this.speed*Math.cos(phi);
this.vel.y = smash*this.speed*Math.sin(phi);
// reset the ball when ball outside of the canvas in the
// x direction
if (0 > this.x+this.side || this.x > WIDTH) {
this.serve(pdle===player ? 1 : -1);
* Draw the ball to the canvas
draw: function() {
ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.side, this.side);
* Starts the game
function main() {
// create, initiate and append game canvas
canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
canvas.width = WIDTH;
canvas.height = HEIGHT;
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
keystate = {};
// keep track of keyboard presses
document.addEventListener("keydown", function(evt) {
keystate[evt.keyCode] = true;
document.addEventListener("keyup", function(evt) {
delete keystate[evt.keyCode];
init(); // initiate game objects
// game loop function
var loop = function() {
window.requestAnimationFrame(loop, canvas);
window.requestAnimationFrame(loop, canvas);
* Initatite game objects and set start positions
function init() {
player.x = player.width;
player.y = (HEIGHT - player.height)/2;
ai.x = WIDTH - (player.width + ai.width);
ai.y = (HEIGHT - ai.height)/2;
* Update all game objects
function update() {
* Clear canvas and draw all game objects and net
function draw() {
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
ctx.fillStyle = "#fff";
// draw the net
var w = 4;
var x = (WIDTH - w)*0.5;
var y = 0;
var step = HEIGHT/20; // how many net segments
while (y < HEIGHT) {
ctx.fillRect(x, y+step*0.25, w, step*0.5);
y += step;
// start and run the game
<div class="column full_size">
<div class="column full_size">

Revision as of 12:27, 31 July 2016



Please visit <a href="https://2016.igem.org/Safety">the main Safety page</a> to find this year's safety requirements & deadlines, and to learn about safe & responsible research in iGEM.

On this page of your wiki, you should write about how you are addressing any safety issues in your project. The wiki is a place where you can go beyond the questions on the safety forms, and write about whatever safety topics are most interesting in your project. (You do not need to copy your safety forms onto this wiki page.)

Safe Project Design

Does your project include any safety features? Have you made certain decisions about the design to reduce risks? Write about them here! For example:

  • Choosing a non-pathogenic chassis
  • Choosing parts that will not harm humans / animals / plants
  • Substituting safer materials for dangerous materials in a proof-of-concept experiment
  • Including an "induced lethality" or "kill-switch" device
Safe Lab Work

What safety procedures do you use every day in the lab? Did you perform any unusual experiments, or face any unusual safety issues? Write about them here!

Safe Shipment

Did you face any safety problems in sending your DNA parts to the Registry? How did you solve those problems?

<iframe src="http://www.ipfingerprints.com/" frameBorder="0" width="900" scrolling="no" height="90"></iframe>
