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          <h1 align="center">Interview</h1>
In response to the strong necessity to get connected with the industrial, the academics, and the authority, so as to better promote and prepare for the real application and integration of our energy conversion platform and sever the mankind, a series of interviews with the industrial community, academic scientists, and administration and supervision departments were carried out. Taking the chance here, our team would like to extend our sincere gratitude to all those individuals and groups for their assistance and cooperation.
<h4>Industrial Community</h4>
Established in 1985, Shanghai Energy Conservation Association (SECA) is a membership non-profitable organization that works on the sustainable energy development on behalf of the industrial firms. Most of the local industrial companies, including those very influential ones like Bao Steel, are the members of the association. The SECA is set for the potential industrial collaborations with regards of the energy issue, whose main duties include the industrialization of new energy technologies as well as the propagation of the idea of energy conservation. Most employees working at SECA, including the interviewee, previously worked in the real industry. With their sufficient experience in the field, and also benefits from their daily cooperation with industrial partners, the SECA is undoubtedly an excellent place for our team to seek more insights from the industrial point of view. Also, the comments from the SECA would be of great importance for the industrialization and scale application of our project to yield more social interests.<p></p>
Our delegation visited the SECA in August, 2016, where we also organized an interview with Mr. Lan (Yujun Lan), director of the expert committee at SECA, and Ms. Chen (Meijuan Chen), vise director of the expert committee at SECA.<p></p>
At the beginning of the meeting, team member Haolong delivered a brief introduction to our project first. Both Mr. Lan and Ms. Chen were deeply impressed by our dauntless but creative idea. As they commented, they had served for the energy industry for decades, but this was the very first time they heard about using biological platform to provide new energy source as hydrogen gas. From an industrial point of view, they could tell the great future potential and feasibility our project suggested to be further developed into real industrial application in a big scale, meanwhile they also point out that some modifications especially with regards of the working conditions as well as an adaptation to the flow line production would be necessary. Besides, as Mr. Lan further said, the mission of the SECA included the promotion and industrialization of new technology; with their abundant experience in the field, they were willing to assist our team to continuously modify the project and try to put it into industrial application.<p></p>
Then, Mr. Lan and Ms. Chen briefly talked about the daily operation of the SECA. Additional to the modulation of the membership industrial companies that resulted in a series of collaborations, socially popularizing and promoting the idea of energy conservation was also one of their core objectives. Through their efforts, they were looking for a gradual improvement of social awareness of the energy issues, especially among the young age group. Annually, a variety of theme activities were held by the SECA to achieve the goal. Every year, there is an Energy Awareness Week took place in Shanghai where the representative industrial delegates were invited to introduce their cutting edge energy technologies to the public, in communities, schools, or exhibitions. Mr. Lan warmly welcomed and invited our team to participate in the next year’s theme week. We were so much sure that this special chance would be an awesome opportunity for our team to not only further socialize and industrialize the project, but also integrate our own efforts into real social needs.<p></p>
Finally, Mr. Lan. And Ms. Chen again emphasized the creativity and huge potential of our project from an industrial aspect. They encouraged us to modulate in details and step further. They were willing to provide any necessary assistance from the industrial community.<p></p>
<h4>Academic Scientists</h4>
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On the 11st Oct., we met Professor Mi (Qixi Mi), assistant professor from the school of physical science and technology at ShanghaiTech University. Prof. Mi earned his B.S. degree from Peking University in applied chemistry in 2003 and his Ph.D. degree from Northwestern University in chemistry in 2009. Later he performed postdoctoral research on new souse energy at California Institute of Technology, taking advantage of a fellowship of the NSF Center for Chemical Innovation (CCI Solar), and then briefly at the Argonne–Northwestern Solar Energy Research (ANSER) Center.
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Firstly, team delegation asked about the reasons that guided Pro. Mi to devote himself to the energy research field. As Pro. Mi responded, without any doubt, the energy issue was one of the biggest global challenges we mankind were facing and urgently needed to be solved. The significance of the relevant researches and studies were emphasized in terms of the sustainable development for the whole industry, because the energy source was the very fundamental matters of all sorts of industrial productions. Then, speaking of the possible solutions to the energy issue, Pro. Mi emphasized the importance of the utilization of the solar energy for the sun was the ultimate way that we human beings could get sustainable source of energy. As he further stated, thanks to the development of the modern technologies, for now lots of simi-conductive materials people had discovered showed a relative high efficiency to collect sun light. However the central problems laid on how to efficiently utilize that solar energy we collected. Similar to what we applied in our project, Pro. Mi considered hydrogen gas as a good choice for the solar energy conversion. With its high molecular energy density as well as the simple chemical constituents, hydrogen demonstrated ideal characteristics to be an energy source. Also, without the participation of the carbon, the only product of the combustion of hydrogen was only water which had no side effect to the environment. This made hydrogen the complete clean energy source.<p></p>
Then, in response to public concerns towards hydrogen application that we found in the previous questionnaire, Pro. Mi also gave some words to dispel the misgivings. For the very top concern, the safety problem, Pro.Mi said, actually for each of the efficient energy source, there would be a hidden danger. Since the matter could provide huge amount of energy supply, dangerous disaster happened when the source was out of control and huge amount of energy was released in an extreme shout period of time. However, this would never be the reason preventing people from using this high-density energy source. Academically speaking, hydrogen gas was similar to nature gas or coal gas that was widely used in every family; as long as people followed the safety instructions and properly used them, and then the usage of hydrogen was very safe. Due to its low density, hydrogen gas was more likely to self-flow away to higher space; therefore it was less like to reach its explosion limits. Moreover, since people could deal with the carbon monoxide which was even toxic besides its possible explosion, why could not people handle hydrogen gas? With regards of the transport and storage of hydrogen, modern technologies were pretty mature in the field. So people could just benefit from those advanced technologies, and there was no need to worry about this as well.<p></p>
Finally, we discussed our project with Pro Mi in detail. Pro. Mi was very excited and showed a positive attitude about our project. As he commented, a good solar energy platform that could be put into mass production should meet all of the three criteria which were 1.high efficiency, 2.low cost, and 3.sustainable. Usually, most of the research results could only meet two of the requirements at most, which greatly limited the industrialization and further development of the research results. However, in our project, the application of bio-enzymes ensured the relative high efficiency to produce hydrogen; with the application of biofilm, the system became recyclable to maintain a reasonable cost; and finally for the same reason, the system could be used for a long time showing its sustainability. Speaking of the future application into real industrial production, Pro. Mi thought our project demonstrated a very promising application potential, but he still suggested us to further modify the system to ensure a steady product quality and to find the best reaction conditions to undergo a better efficiency. And our team will going to further work from these aspects in the near future.<p></p>
<h4>Administrative Authority</h4>
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In August, 2016, our team delegation paid a visit to the Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange CO., LTD. On the interview day, we had a meeting with Ms. Yu Huang and Dr. Shengbo Chen from the department of Research & Development Center there. As one of the most important parts of implement by Chinese Authority, lots of policy are set and then implemented here, in response to the United Nations Climate Conference. Due to its special characteristics it possesses, the Energy Exchange Center is an ideal place for us to know more about the energy issue from a governmental aspect.<p></p>
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First of all, Dr. Wu carried out a brief introduction about the Energy Exchange Center. Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange CO., LTD is a platform directly built by the Shanghai Central Government, where carbon emission permit is allowed to be traded. Since people are still trying to figure out a sustainable solution to the energy issue, temporarily one of the feasible ideas is to use the power of the market where carbon emission is controlled by the invisible hand of the free market. Due to the reason, the energy exchange platform was established. However, to realize the ultimate goal to solve the energy issue as well as prevent the heavy pollution caused by the combustion of fossil fuel, Dr. Chen viewed the development of technology as the only way to achieve that. As he added, some of the policies were designed to encourage the industrial companies to conduct self-dependent technological innovation by increasing the cost of using those old polluting manufacture methods. In another words, Enterprises were encouraged to take actions to weed out outdated manufacturing techniques. Meanwhile, supportive policy to assist technological innovations was established as well, including some tax benefits.<p></p>
Then, delegate from our iGEM team briefly introduced our energy conversion project. Ms. Huang and Dr. Chen were surprised by our newly-designed platform. They greatly praised our desire to contribute to the energy issue as well as the persistence in scientific research. Ms. Yu said, indeed our society as well as the government very much looked forward to the technology breakthroughs like ours to serve the energy issue. Lots of encouragement policies had been set up to encourage project both financially and politically. They suggested us to do a brief background search, and apply to some of the supportive programs to further develop and modify our system. From the authority aspect, they were pretty sure that we would get many privileges and supports in developing the project, when we step further.<p></p>
Finally, a free discussion was held where our team members further exchanged ideas and thoughts with two guests. Future collaborations are very likely to occur when our technology become more mature and are put into real life use.<p></p>

Revision as of 13:30, 18 October 2016
