"Apéro Science" which means Science Aperitif in French is a serie of events organized by our team in collaboration with M. Marc CHEVALIER, assignment manager for Talence innovation Sud Développement. The first was on May, 26th at the Forum des Arts et de la Culture in Talence and the second was on September, 29th at the same place. For an hour, professionnals presented a slide about the chosen topic in order to explain it to a large public of 50 or 60 persons. After their presentation, the audience could have a discussion with them in order to answer at their questions. Following the debate, everyone was invited to an aperitif prepared by the team ! These events promote the scientific popularization to a large public. Indeed, we worked hard in order to invite students and people from non-scientific fields and professional of the concerning fields. It was interested for us to talk with all these people to share with them our knowledge in order to make open their mind and also yours ! Most of the time, when we talk about GMO, people only think about the modifications on plants in food industry. Associated to theses ideas, many people think that GMOs are a great danger for the society. However, GMOs may also save life when we use it to find new therapies for diseases. In the industry and research fields, researchers have to be conscious of the lastest scientific innovations and discoveries. Thanks to the scientific media, they may know about the advances of their colleagues in the whole world. But outside these areas, information are often not told and sometimes distorted or false. How do the general media see and explain the Science? The meeting between People, Science and Food !
This year, we focused on two insteresting topics which are :
Change your mind on GMOs!
Our first Apéro Science wants to explain to our audience what are GMOs and what are the existing GMOs used in the different fields. Our objective doesn't goal to make people being for or against GMOs. We only try to make them know better about this topic to better consider this complex question.The Science seen by the Media
For our second Apéro Science, we organized round tables with different professionnals (journalists, researchers, scientific mediators, and others ...) in order to answer to our question.Click on the pictures to discover the summary of our two "Apéro Science" !