Team:ETH Zurich/HP/Silver



During the summer we collaborated with the main newspaper in the Italian speaking part of Switzerland, Corriere Del Ticino, in the preparation of an article about synthetic biology and iGEM. The 2-pages article is based on an interview to our team member Mattia Gollub and explains in a comprehensive way what synthetic biology is, the mission of iGEM and the idea of our project. In addition, it presents the main fields where synthetic biology is already used in practical applications. The article also includes an evaluation by the Swiss National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics on synthetic biology projects. In general, we tried to explain synthetic biology in a simple way and demystify prejudices, bringing people closer to the field.

A digital version of the article (in Italian) is available here. Author: Carlo Silini, Correiere Del Ticino, 24.09.2016

Thanks to the sponsors that supported our project: