In addition to the financial and material support from our sponsors, we also had help from the following people, and would like to thank them.
- Yazzer Perez from the Noun Project: teamwork icon.
- Eunji Kang from the Noun Project: connection icon.
- Vítor Carvalho from the Noun Project: software engineering icon.
- creative outlet from the Noun Project: Idea settings icon.
- Flaticon/Freepik: Toolbox icon.
- Lloyd Humphreys from the Noun Project: DNA icon
- Carla Dias from the Noun Project: Scissors icon
- bilel djettaou from the Noun Project: Petri icon
- lipi from the Noun Project: Check Mark icon
- Anthony Bossard from the Noun Project: Erlenmeyer Flask icon
- Chris Veness: AES in Javascript.
- chitchcock: CRC16-CCITT in Javascript.
Human Practices & Safety
- G. van Willingen: Coordinating Senior Advisor CBRN Safety and Security, Biosafety Officer and Environmental Safety Officer of Leiden Universital Medical Centre (LUMC)
- Jan Jaap Hoogstins: collection manager from the Groninger Archieven for the facilities and the interview given to CryptoGErM. It was really helpful for the development and execution of our project!
- Dr. ir. C.J.B. van der Vlugt-Bergmans from the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) for the orientation in the current regulations for Genetically Modified Bacteria (GMO)
- Diana Flores Flores, for her feedback in the elaboration of our survey