Team:TAS Taipei/Wiki Standard Pages

Wiki Standard Pages - TAS Taipei iGEM Wiki

Standard Pages

Wiki Philsophy

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In making our Wiki, we strive to make navigation as simple and intuitive as possible. Therefore, all documentation of our project is placed on main pages accessible through the navigation bar.

Under the project tab, you can reach the background, achievements, collaborations, and parts page, which are all on seperate pages.

Under the experiments, model, human practice, and biosafety tabs, you can access various sections within that page. For example, under human practice, all of research, outreach, and buisness and marketing sections can be accessed, although all three sections are placed on one single page, the human practice page.

Standard Pages

This year, iGEM rules require teams to place all information that are presented to the judges to be placed on static Standard Pages. Below is a table of all Standard Pages, organized by the section which information is pulled from.


Section Standard Page Completed Type/Requirement
Home Page Home Page Yes Required
Project Description Yes Gold #2
Background Yes Non-evaluated
Achievements Yes Non-evaluated
Collaborations Yes Silver #2
Applied Design Yes Special
Parts Parts Summary Yes Bronze #4, Silver #1
Basic Part Yes Special
Composite Part Yes Special
Part Collection Yes Special
Experimental Experimental Summary Yes Non-evaluated
Experiments No Non-evaluated
Results No Non-evaluated
Proof of Concept Yes Gold #3
Demonstrate Yes Gold #4
Notebook Yes Non-evaluated
Measurement No Special
Model Model Yes Special
Software Yes Special
Hardware No Special
Human Practices HP Summary Yes Non-evaluated
HP Silver Yes Silver #3
HP Gold Yes Gold #1
Integrated HP Yes Special
Engagement Yes Special
Entrepreneurship Yes Special
Safety Safety Yes Non-evaluated
Team Team Yes Non-evaluated
Attributions Yes Bronze #3

Medal Requirements

Section Requirement Standard Page Completed
Bronze #1 Registration Page not required
#2 Deliverables Page not required
#3 Attributions No
#4 Parts Summary No
Silver #1 Parts Summary No
#2 Collaborations No
#3 HP Silver No
Gold #1 HP Gold No
#2 Description No
#3 Proof of Concept No
#4 Demonstrate No


GSR Eyedrop


25HC Eyedrop

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