Team:ETH Zurich/Team



  • Tina

    Our wisest member. And the only one that can still be very communicative while being short of sleep.

  • Asli, Biomedical Engineering

    Knows all our plasmid's oris, resistances and content by heart. All 150+ of them. Test her.

  • Sophie, Biomedical Engineering

    When she starts making funny sounds, you know she's running an intense simulation.

  • Mattia, Computer Science

    Insists on making experimentalists running FACS through the night so he can get data the next morning to feed his stochastic models.

  • Lukas, Biology

    The only bachelor student of our team, but quickly catching up to the Masters.

  • Andreas, Biotechnology

    Currently holding the no sleep record; 40 hours straight at his lab bench. Edit: record beaten the night before wiki freeze.

  • Lucas, Biochemistry

    Leads our Crispr/Cpf1 project. Started late, but seems to be outperforming our main project, soon. Results will be presented in Boston.

Thanks to the sponsors that supported our project: