Team:Stony Brook/Notebook/Cancer-W7

Week 7: 8/8 - 8/14

I left you some of the commonly used templates down there under 8/8. Just fill them in as needed. I'll only really have wifi for a few hours on two days between Saturday and Thursday. If you need anything, message me on Facebook and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

With the warmest love and regards,


Week 7: 8/8 - 8/14

PCR Table Template:
    Contents ul
    Phire #
    H2O #
    50 uM F Primer #
    50 uM R Primer #
    #ug/ul Construct #

PCR Settings Template:

    Phase Temperature (°C) Time (sec)
    Initial Denaturation 98 #
    Denaturation 98 #
    Annealing # #
    Extension 72 #
    Final Extension 72 #

Nanodrop Template:

    Content Concentration (ng/ul) 260/280
    Construct # #
    Vector # #

Ligation Template

    Content ul
    10X T4 Buffer #
    Vector # (# ng)
    Construct # (# ng)
    H2O #
    Ligase #

Multiple Digests Template:

    Content Experimental ul Control ul
    H2O # #
    Cutsmart # #
    EcoRI-HF # X
    XbaI # X
    DNA # #
    Content Experimental ul Control ul
    H2O # #
    Cutsmart # #
    EcoRI-HF # X
    XbaI # X
    DNA # #

    Content Experimental ul Control ul
    H2O # #
    Cutsmart # #
    EcoRI-HF # X
    XbaI # X
    DNA # #
    Content Experimental ul Control ul
    H2O # #
    Cutsmart # #
    EcoRI-HF # X
    XbaI # X
    DNA # #



    T1 T2
    5.34 uL H2O 5.34 uL H2O
    1 uL CR-1 Primer 1 1 uL CR-1 Primer 2
    1.66 uL DNA (301.6 ng/uL) 1.66 uL DNA (301.6 ng/uL)

Diluted BioBrick MiniPreps for PCR

    BioBrick Name Concentration (ng/uL) Contents (DNA + water)
    K592009 76.9 1 uL + 6.69 uL water
    B0015 51.7 1 uL + 4.17 uL water
    K1033910 156.5 1 uL + 14.65 uL water
    R0082 49.5 1 uL + 3.95 uL water
    C0012 150.8 1 uL + 14.08 uL water
    J61100 123.0 1 uL + 11.3 uL water
    R0011 56.7 1 uL + 4.67 uL water





