Team:CSU Fort Collins/Attributions


Our advisors

We’d like to express our gratitude towards our advisors and their labs. Overall, they have all helped us gain a deeper understanding of synthetic biology and pushed us to be great scientists at the beginning of our careers.

Dr. Christie Peebles, professor in the College of Engineering at CSU, acted as our primary advisor with her expertise in Synechocystis sp. PCC 6808 and allowed us to utilize her laboratory space. She also helped us apply for the Building with Biology kit and arrange its usage at the Larimer County Farmer’s Market. Her PhD candidate students, Allison Zimont and Jacob Sebasta, assisted us with selecting potential light induced promoters for our logic gate, Ligase Cycling Reactions (LCR), and cyanobacteria transformation protocols.

Dr. Tom Santangelo, professor in the College of Natural Sciences at CSU, allowed us to utilize his laboratory space. His lab manager, Hallie Febvre, for her cloning advice.

Dr. Claudia Gentry-Weeks, Associate Biosafety Officer and professor in the College of Veterinary and Medical Biomedical Sciences at CSU, helped us navigate through biosafety concerns.

Wiki Creation

Although all team members contributed to the experimental content, special thanks to Aidan Ceney, Daniel Modiset, Sharon Lian, Dylan Miller, and Kevin Walsh for the website content and design. Thank you to Dylan Miller for photographing events and members.

Banner Creation

Alec Schmutte for designing our banner to be displayed at the Giant Jamboree!


Thank you to the College of Engineering, the College of Natural Sciences, the College of Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences, and the Honors program at Colorado State University for funds and research supplies to make all of our achievements possible.