Team:UNSW Australia/Attributions

iGEM Members

Jessica Mazalo: Student team leader, in charge of meeting deadlines, and responsible for performing the bulk of the lab work. She led the CRISPR lab work until it folded, and then joined the G-blocks team. She also contributed greatly to the storyboarding and scripting of our project video.

Gavin Sutton: Student lab manager, and the designer and planned lab experiments. Also responsible for ordering primers and parts. Led the G-Blocks component of lab work, and was trained in the use of (but never actually used) the AiryScan confocal microscope, but for which he often did prepared the samples... Gavin was also in charge of all protein extractions, SDS-PAGE gels, and Western Blots

Charlotte Beloe: Responsible for all communications and design aspects of our project, including drawing images for the Wiki, presentation, and banner. She also took all our photographs, which included those taken under the AiryScan microscope after she was trained by Michael Carnell. In addition to all this, she was a critical contributor to the WetLab work for Team CRISPR, and, later, the characterisation of parts

Maddie Wainwright: In addition to all her Wetlab work in Team CRISPR, Maddie led the Integrated Human Practices component, organising and filming interviews with a diverse array of contacts. Maddie also organised and chaired our Symposium event. Maddie also picked up some skills in editing videos too!

Shivani Shah: A stalwart of the Overexpression Team! Shivani also ran and organised all outreach activities, included founding the Synthetic Biology Society, and organising outreach events such as Aspire.

Gordon Qian: In charge of the iGEM wiki website design, coding, and implementation. Liaised and organised the conference at B.Inspiring. Gordon was also a great contributor to the WetLab work for the Overexpression Team

Associate Professor Chris Marquis: Coordinator of the team and in charge of all administration.

Daniel Winter: A PhD student and our advisor, every bit as committed as we were, who oversaw the day-to-day of Team Bleb. He came up with the (neat but unsuccessful) idea of using a nanodrop to measure OMV production. Daniel also performed all French Press experiments, mass spectrometry sample preparation, mass spectrometry data collection, and mass spectrometry data analysis. Daniel also animated our Project Video for us, and helped edit our Human Practices videos

UNSW School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences

Helene Lebhar: Lab manager of Room 329, where all the action happened. Thanks for putting up with us till the end!

Theresa Kahwati: Head of Safety in UNSW's Biology building, so thanks to her for all the inductions and equipment access.

Lily Zhang: For her help inducting us into the Nanodrop and Autoclave

Dr Jai Tree: A lecturer in the school who kindly donated some aTc for our CRISPR experiments.

Professor Marc Wilkins: For lending us Daniel.

Professor Andrew Brown: Thanks for giving UNSW iGEM the funds it needs to operate.

Rob Healey: A PhD Student under Chris, who helped with optimising Western Blots and general lab inquiries. Thanks for all the help troubleshooting our gels!

"The Bat": Again, for his generosity with antibodies and protocols for Western Blots.

All the BABS staff: For their enormous support and help with fundraising.

The 2015 UNSW iGEM Team: For mentoring, patience, support and advice with all things 'iGEM'

UNSW Biomedical Imaging Facility

Dr Michael Carnell: For training Charlotte in the use AiryScan microscope, for scrounging up microscope dishes for our use, we are eternally grateful. He took many of our initial images, until Charlotte got up to speed, and all images we present are Charlotte's and a testament to Mike's ability as a teacher

Iveta Slapetova: Thanks for inducting us into UNSW's Biomedical Imaging Facility

Dr Elvis Pandzic: Not just for his donation of microscopy dishes, but for his technical assistance with the AiryScan and his enthusiasm in discussing all things iGEM

Human Practices

Associate Professor Mike Manefield: For his information about environmental microbiology and the potential uses and limitations of OMV's in his company Micronovo and for being part of our symposium

Marc De Leeuw: Thanks for giving us a detailed understanding of biolegalities and being part of our videos and part of our symposium panel

Lyria Bennett Moses: For educating us on technologies impact on the law and being part of our 'legalities video'

Lawrence Lee: Thanks for informing us about the potential of OMV's in medicine as well as giving a fresh set of ideas about our project and for being part of our public panel discussion

Associate Professor Matthew Kearnes: For his detailed understanding of how the implementations of science impact society and for being part of not only our video but part of our symposium panel

Dr Eben Kirksey: Discussing the sociology of implementing synthetic biology and being part of our 'sociology' video

Simon Trevaks and the rest of the UNSW video team: Thank you for letting us use your equipment and giving us expert advice in creating our videos


EngeneIC is a biopharmaceutical company focused on developing its proprietary EDV™ nanocell platform for the targeted delivery of chemotherapeutics and functional nucleic acids in cancer. The EDV™ is a first-in-class Cyto-Immunotherapy platform.

We would like to thank them for letting us play with their NanoSight, which wound up being a critical component to fulfilling our project's vision; in particular, we would like to thank (right to left) Tingting Cai, Louise McKeon, and Luke Armstrong for running the samples we prepared through their machine, and for their guidance in the initial stages of analysing the data output