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= Introduction =  
= Overview =
We are aiming to evolve a more sensitive mechanical sensitive channel (MS channel). When MS channels are stimulated by mechanical force, a Ca2+ influx is triggered. To measure the performance of MS channel, we chose sound to produce mechanical force and GECO protein as Ca2+ indicator to reflect the channel sensitivity through its fluorescence change.  
Successful directed-evolution of mechanosensitive (MS) channel relys on the precise measurement of the mechanical sensitivity of MS channels. When they are stimulated by mechanical force, a Ca2+ influx is triggered, which in turn induces downstream NFAT promoter.
== Sound part ==
To quantitatively test the mechanical properties of MS channels, a standard method to generate force field was developed and evaluated. Microfluidics was designed to study the MS channel response to fluidic shear force. In sonic stimulation part, we developed both ultrasonic and audible sonic simulation hardware.
In this part, we aim to explore the effect different frequency on the cells. Frequencies from 300Hz to 1.7MHz were tried to observe whether the cells with MS channel can response differently to different frequency. If so, frequency orthogonal audiogenetic parts are hopefully to be developed. Meanwhile, the equipment was also designed to be easy to change sonic power, in order to choose the most suitable intensity being harmless to the cells.  
See the related modeling process in [https://2016.igem.org/Team:SUSTech_Shenzhen/Model  Model]
=== Sonic Stimulation ===
{{SUSTech_Image_Center_10 | filename=T--SUSTech_Shenzhen--hardware-overview.png|width=1000px|caption=<B>Fig. 1 Experimenting with Devices</B>}}
==== Signal generation ====
= Microfluidics =
A dual channel function/arbitrary waveform generator (Feel Tech FY2303) was used to generate sound wave signals. It can generate 1uHz to 2MHz, 0v to 20v signals. An amplifier was used to amplify the wave signal output by the wave generator.[[File:SUSTech_Shenzhen-EAE28F33-1AC9-419E-80F9-ECA6CCA11AE6.png | 400px | thumb | left | Wave Generator ]]
Microfluidics is an experimental methodology integrating multiple disciplines such as biology, bioengineering, physics, chemistry, nanotechnology, and material sciences. It includes design and fabrication of small devices in which low volumes of fluids are processed to achieve automation, and high-throughput screening.<ref>Lisa R. Volpatti, Ali K. Yetisen ( 2014). Commercialization of microfluidic devices. UK: Trends in Biotechnology.</ref> Microfluidic chips allows fluids to pass through different channels of different diameter, usually ranging from 5 to 500 μm.<ref>John W. Batts IVn. (2011). All about fittings, A pratical guide to using and understanding fittings in a laboratory environment. United States of America (USA): IDEX Health & Science LLC.</ref> Owning to its characteristic small dimensions, it saves valuable reagents and requires small amount of samples. In the past decades, the basic techniques of microfluidics for the study of cells such as cell culture, cell separation, and cell lysis, have been well developed. Based on cell handling techniques, microfluidics has been widely applied in the research of cell biology.<ref>Keith E. Herold and Avraham Rasooly (2009). Lab-on-a-Chip Technology (Vol. 1): Fabrication and Microfluidics | Book. United States of America (USA): Caister Academic Press.</ref>
==== Sound generator ====
== Why Microfluidics ==
===== Buzzer =====
Without prior knowledge of the range of shear stress sensible by Piezo1 and TRPC5 channel, we would like to simultaneously apply different mechanical stresses to different cells in one experiment, so that the cellular responses can be quantitatively characterized. The flow speed in a microfluidic chip can be modulated with flow rate, tightly tunable with a syringe pump, and the cross-section of the channel, determined with the microfabrication process. After calculation and simulation of fluid dynamics, relationship between the flow speed and shear stress can be readily obtained.
Buzzer is a thin metal plate attached with a piezoelectric ceramic. When varying voltage is added to its two ends, it deforms coordinately. Whereas, its  low and high frequency response is weak, and can only be used to generate sound under 15 KHz. For the safety of the cells, we fix it on the bottom of cell dish for cellular stimulation. [[File: SUSTech_Shenzhen-02C459B7-C804-42FE-BB9A-1466379C37FB.png | 400px | thumb | left | Buzzer]]
{{SUSTech_Image_Center | filename=T--SUSTech_Shenzhen--Photomask-Made.jpeg|caption=<B>Fig. 2 Photomask We Made to Fabricate the Microfluidics Chip</B>|width=1000px}}
===== Speaker =====
Specifically, as the dimensions of the microfluidics devices being reduced, physics characteristics in conventional laboratory-scale are no longer applied. Usually the fluid flow in microfludic chips is laminar flow (Reynolds number<3). It leads to a drastic simplification of the complex Navier-Stokes equations describing fluid mechanics.
As the low and high frequency response of buzzer is weak, speaker (Type: rsiym) was chose for complementation. Its power can reach 3W and it was drenched in culture medium for low frequency experiment.[[File:SUSTech_Shenzhen-AF0437F0-F334-4352-B915-55D2228EA992.png | 400px | thumb | left | Speaker]]
== Our Microfluidics Design ==
===== Balanced Amateur =====
In order to speed up the shear force sweeping experiment, we would like to have parallel chambers with different flow speeds and shear forces in the same chip. After a number of design, fabrication and experiment cycles, we end up with this specifically designed microfluidics chip (Fig.3) so that the flow speeds inside three channels follow a 1:9:81 ratio (Fig.4). The flow rate ratio is determined by the channel branching and branching length. The channels are all with the same width and height, so that the flow rate is linear related to flow speed and shear force. The observation window is designed that three channels are parallel and just fit into the optical field of our Nikon Ti-E live cell imaging systems with a 10x NA0.45 objective and a Hamamatsu Orca Flash 4.0 sCMOS camera.
Buzzers and speakers both have short comes. For buzzers, sound could mainly be absorbed by cell dish bottom and the power was very weak. Speaker is more powerful though, it is cell toxic and not stable. For more, they both apply normal stress to the cells rather than shear stress. So, we promoted a third plan using balanced amateur.
{{SUSTech_Image_Center_10 | filename=T--SUSTech_Shenzhen--pasted-image-124.png|caption=<B>Fig. 3 The design of microfluidic chip</B>|width=1000px}}
Balanced amateur is very stable and small. A steel tube was fixed on it to drench in to water. Thus it can generate a shear force horizontal to cell dish, which is closer to the mechanism of human hearing. The problem is that its power is not strong enough to trigger a cellular response.
{{SUSTech_Image_Center_10 | filename=MF2.jpg|caption=<B>Fig. 4 Flow speeds inside three channels follow a 1:9:81 ratio</B> | width=1000px}}
[[File:SUSTech_Shenzhen-F3FB602E-29C2-4147-B29E-95FC79451A33.png | 400px | thumb | left |  Balanced Amateur]]
Microfluidics chips in our experiment were made with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) covalently bound on a glass slide. PDMS is the material widely used on fast prototyping microfluidic devices. PDMS chips are widely used in laboratories, especially in the academic community due to their low cost and ease of fabrication. Here are listed the main advantages of such chips:
1. Oxygen and gas permeability
2. Optical transparency, robustness
3. Non toxicity
4. Biocompatibility
5. No water permeability
'''Lab Circuit'''
One of the main drawbacks of PDMS chips is its hydrophobicity. Consequently, introducing aqueous solutions into the channels is difficult and hydrophobic analytes can be absorbed onto the PDMS surface. Fortunately, there are PDMS surface modification methods such as gas phase processing and wet chemical methods (or combination of both) to avoid hydrophobicity. After the fabrication, the microfluidics chips made of polydimethylsiloxane were treated with oxygen plasma for hydrophilic property. After this procedure, polydimethylsiloxane could bond to glass tightly, and channels in chips would be hydrophilic enough for medium to pass thorough. Immediately adding media also slows recovery to hydrophobicity of surface.
The following is a brief circuit of sound generator circuit.
We programmed syringe pump to provide precise control over the total flow rate and thus flow rate of each channels. Therefore, shear force of any strength and duration can be applied to cells expressing MS channels. In our experiment, the flow will be maintained for about 2 min. Only after the cells have recovered from the last experiment (indicated by reverting to normal fluorescence intensity), would we start the next round of shear force stimulation.
[[File:SUSTech_Shenzhen-E8D94FFA-23F3-4BC1-8D7D-1CE281F623C1.png | 400px | thumb | left ]]
During the experiment, the cells must be tightly adhered to the bottom of the channels. We coat the channels in the chip with gelatin, so that cell could adhere to the glass surface on the bottom of the channels.
[[File:SUSTech_Shenzhen-65A58D56-0C34-41F2-8A49-0CC17C127994.png | 400px | thumb | left ]]
Cells expressing MS channels and R-GECO are injected to the chip inlet, and settled down. Once the cells adhere to the glass bottom of the channels, the microfluidics chip is clamped onto the live cell fluorescent imaging systems, so that the observation window is aligned with the optical field. With continuing observation of the R-GECO fluorescence (calcium signals), the syringe pump was set to different flow rates and durations to apply three given shear forces to cells in three channels. As calcium signals might not be synchronized among the cells in the same channel, we load the time-lapse fluorescent images load into customerized MATLAB script. We manually identify each cells. The fluorescent intensities for each cell are calculated over time. The increases in fluorescence intensities normalized over the control conditions are defined as the representation of calcium responses to shear forces for each cells (the detailed calculation is in the [https://2016.igem.org/Team:SUSTech_Shenzhen/Model  modeling session]). To assess the sustained response to shear force, cell integrated with NFAT promoter driven GFP is used to detect signal downstream of Calcium-Calmodulin-Calcineurin, typically 20 hours after the onset of mechanical stimulation.
==== ultra sound stimulation ====
== How to fabricate ==
Seeing cellular response increased with stimulating frequency, and hearable sound can hardly trigger strong cellular response. Ultrasound was come up with. There were 4 kinds of ultrasound devices constructed.  
After studying existing papers about the processing technology typically used in microfluidics chips production, and endless trial-and-error, we have formed our own processing protocol based on our equipments and requirements.
The microfluidics chips used in our project were all produced using this protocol (Fig. 5).
===== Horn-shaped ultrasound generator =====
=== Process Overview ===
We first constructed this device using circuits from ultrasound cleaner. However it was easy to destroy the circuit due to too small load.
SU-8 Photoresist can cross-link to a network of polymer when exposed to short wavelength light. If the cross-linked network has formed, it cannot be dissolved by the SU-8 developer. So if we place a photo mask to shade the light shined on the photoresist, we can make a copy of the pattern on the photo mask.
[[File: SUSTech_Shenzhen-42FF69FD-E059-441C-85A4-1D39586F6EB2.png | 400px | thumb | left | Horn-shaped ultrasound generator]]
Both PDMS and glass contain silicon element. When they were treated by oxygen plasma, unstable hydroxyl group will form on the treated surface. When they get close enough, two hydroxyl group will dehydrate and bond together covalently.
==== Piezoelectric Energy Transducer. ====
A new ultrasound device was designed seeing the horn-shaped device is too powerful and unstable. Piezoelectric energy transducer was chose for a much slighter stimulation.
{{SUSTech_Image_Center_8 | filename=T--SUSTech_Shenzhen--bonding-process.png|caption=<B>Fig. 5 Process Overview</B>|width=1000px}}
[[File:SUSTech_Shenzhen-BD98ACD9-1ECE-4DC4-BAC0-FC363157B71B.png  | 400px | thumb | left |  Piezoelectric Energy Transducer]]
<html><a href="/Team:SUSTech_Shenzhen/Notebook/Fabrication" class="btn btn-success"><i class="ion-arrow-right-c"></i> Detailed Protocol</a></html>
===== Ultrasound signal generator: =====
KINGCHIP SD02-JSQ-V2.4 circuit, 5V DC input. 1.7MHz output.
= Sound Stimulation Devices =
[[File:SUSTech_Shenzhen-BD03886B-1776-476D-86B1-FD7D3DB79A1E.png  | 400px | thumb | left |  Ultrasound Signal Generator ]]
== Acoustic Devices ==
===== Power control: =====
Various devices generating frequencies from 300Hz to 1.7MHz were made to identify the most sensitive acoustic parameters for MS channels. The cytotoxic experiment of each device is determined from cell proliferation experiments with sound generator dipping into culture medium.
The signal output from KINGCHIP SD02-JSQ-V2.4 circuit was input to the following conrol circuit designed by ourselves. Output power can be controled by changing resistance. Microproccsor Arduino UNO was rogrammed to control stimulation time pattern.
=== Audible Frequency ===
[[ File:SUSTech_Shenzhen-9D339642-CE61-4EBA-B6E4-B84D21E342DE.png | 400px | thumb | left | Power Control ]]
Audible sound is defined as 20Hz to 20kHz sound wave. We designed modulated devices to generate audile signals to stimulate cells. Three kinds of sound generators were used for generateing audible sonic stimulation. Each one has its specific range of frequency and power, as shown in the following table.
<div class="row"><div class="col-sm-6">
<div class="thumbnail">
<p>Fig. 6 Concept Schematics of the AF Stimulator</p>
<div class="col-sm-6">
<div class="thumbnail">
<p>Fig. 7 Completed AF Stimulator</p>
===== Energy Transducer: =====
The signal was generated by a signal generator. After magnified by an amplifier, the signal was sent to a sound generator, which can be buzzer, balanced armature or speaker. As all of the three sound generators showed cell toxicity in some extent, sound generators were kept outside the cell dish and sonic stimulation was transmitted by air or polysterine plastics. Each one has its specific range of frequency and power which are shown in the following table.
1. 1MHz energy transducer used in fog generator was used to generate stable ultrasound. Cell toxity experiment show that it has little and tolerable cell toxity.
'''Table 1 Three kinds of sound generators used for audible sonic stimulation'''
[[ File:SUSTech_Shenzhen-C568A1D2-80E6-4458-9F55-00657FCA9CCE.png | 400px | thumb | left | Energy Transducer ]]
{|class="table table-striped"
! Sound generator
! Frequency
! Power
! Transmission medium
! Evaluation
| Buzzer
| 3kHz-20kHz
| 0-1W
| PS plastic (cell dish)
| Strong cell response at 15kHz and 20kHz.
| Balanced armature
| 1kHz-15kHz
| 0-100mW
| Air, water
| No cell response observed.
| Speaker
| 300Hz-5kHz
| 0-3.5W
| Air, water
| No cell response observed.
2. For quantified stimulation, a calibrated ultrasound energy transducer was used.
{{SUSTech_Image_Center_8 | filename=T--SUSTech_Shenzhen--armature-hw-table.png|width=400px|caption=<B>Balanced Armature</B>}}
{{SUSTech_Image_Center_8 | filename=T--SUSTech_Shenzhen--speaker-hw-table.png|width=400px|caption=<B>Speaker</B>}}
'''Fig. 8 Balanced Armature Sonic Stimulation Device and Speaker Used for Sonic Stimulation'''
Diameter: 8.5mm
Thinness: 22mm
=== Experiment Results ===
For 23Vp-p 1MHz input, 1.9W/cm2 (3mm for from head)
After testing all of the three sound generators above (Fig.8), we found that only buzzer induces obvious cell response, particularly in high frequency conditions (15kHz and 20kHz, shown in Fig.9). Polystyrene plastic medium is efficient to transmit energy to cell.
[[File:SUSTech_Shenzhen-BD98ACD9-1ECE-4DC4-BAC0-FC363157B71B.png  | 400px | thumb | left |  Piezoelectric Energy Transducer]]
'''Lab Circuit'''
{{SUSTech_Image_Center_8 | filename=T--SUSTech_Shenzhen--AD0520F4BABB8B3DC7ECF6A15CBF1652.jpg|caption='''Fig. 9 Cell fluorescence response when stimulated by buzzer emitting sound of various frequencies''' (A) Cell fluorescence intensity increased greatly when stimulated by 15K and 20kHz sound. While no obvious fluorescence intensity changes when GECO cells (without MS channel) were stimulated (B).}}
====== Device I ======
{{SUSTech_Image_Center | filename=T--SUSTech_Shenzhen--FFEA43BBFC03154FFB13D8AB5BD98173.jpg|caption=Fig. Frequency response of the buzzer}}
Two 1MHz low power ultrasound stimulators are implemented for program controlled exeriment.
{{SUSTech_Image_Center | filename=T--SUSTech_Shenzhen--calibaration-dev.png|caption=Fig. Calibration Device: Pressure Microphone}}
== Ultrasound devices ==
[[File: SUSTech_Shenzhen-5A819BB3-3473-42CE-B4AD-FCFEA72DF1DB.png  | 400px | thumb | left | Device I]]
After seeing cell response in audible sonic frequency, we intend to determine the higher frequency using 4 types of ultrasonic devices we made. We did cytotoxicity experiment for each ultrasonic transducer for 20 hours. The experiment result was summarized in the following table.
====== Device II ======
{|class="table table-striped"
! Device
! Frequency &amp; power
! Description
! Evaluation
| Device1
| 28kHz 40W
Large thermal power consumed. Low ultrasonic radiant power.
One 1MHz ultrasound stimulator was implemented with larger size and maximun power. Control part and electric part were seperated into two layers for safety.
Cell atoxic.
No cell response observed.
[[File:SUSTech_Shenzhen-B2479FD4-FD69-46C8-8604-80E11B5B73DC.png | 400px | thumb | left | Device II① ]]
Quickly damaged.
| Device2
| 108kHz 4.1W
[[File:SUSTech_Shenzhen-FE3895B0-4088-49E2-9E5B-00FB4329030D.png | 400px | thumb | left | Device II② ]]
Quantitive stimulation.
1. Stimulation program loading.
2. Fix stimulator in proper position.
Cell atoxic.
| Strong cell response observed.
| Device3
| 1.1MHz Adjustable power
3. Turn on the switch and change resistance for proper ultrasound intensity.
Quantitive and power adjustable stimulation.
4. Start stimulation experimrnt.
= Microfluidics =
Cell atoxic.
| Weak cell response observed.
| Device4
| 1.7MHz Adjustable power
Power adjustable.
== Why Microfluidics ==
Low Cytotoxicity.
| No cell response observed.
Microfluidics is a multidisciplinary field intersecting engineering, physics, chemistry, biochemistry, nanotechnology, and biotechnology, with practical applications in the design of systems in which low volumes of fluids are processed to achieve multiplexing, automation, and high-throughput screening.[1] Microfluidic instrument allows fluids to pass through different tunnels of different diameter, usually ranging from 5 to 500 μm.[2] Owning to its characteristic of small dimension. It can save reagents and also haves smaller requirement of samples. In the last decades, the basic techniques of microfluidics for the study of cells such as cell culture, cell separation, and cell lysis, have been well developed. Based on cell handling techniques, microfluidics has been widely applied in the researches of the cell biology.[3]
{{SUSTech_Image_Center_10| filename=T--SUSTech_Shenzhen--power-ultrasound-40w.png|width=400px|caption=<B>A</B>}}
{{SUSTech_Image_Center_10 | filename=T--SUSTech_Shenzhen--calibrated-device-4.1W.png|width=400px|caption=<B>B</B>}}
{{SUSTech_Image_Center_10 | filename=HWfdkjvbfjsvdecfrwehb.png|width=400px|caption=<B>C</B>}}
{{SUSTech_Image_Center_10 | filename=T--SUSTech_Shenzhen--1.7m-ultrasound-adj.png|width=400px|caption=<B>D</B>}}
{{SUSTech_Image | filename=T--SUSTech_Shenzhen--Photomask-Made.jpeg|caption=Fig. 1 Photomask we made to fabricate the microfluidics chip}}
'''Fig. 10 Hardware established for ultrasonic stimulation. (A) Device1 (B)Device2 (C)Device3 (D) Device4'''
In our project, to diminish the misgiving because of transfection and quantitively analyze the following experimental result, we have to test if different shear stress will result in different cellular response . With a pump applied, accurate flow rate controlling can be achieved in microfluidic chips. After calculation and simulation of fluid dynamics, relationship between the shear force on the cellular membrane and fluorescence intensity of the cells can be gotten.
=== Experimental Results ===
As the dimensions of the microfluidic devices are reduced, physics characteristics in conventional laboratory-scale is not applied. Usually the fluid flow in microfludic chips is laminar flow(Reynolds number&lt;3). It leads to a drastic simplification of the complex Navier-Stokes equations describing fluid mechanics. For these reasons, dedicated microfluidic instruments have been designed to precisely control fluids inside microchannels. Each time when we applied a constant pumped inflow, cells in 3 different observation tunnel would receive corresponding small, middle, large, 3 level of force magnitude(around 1: 9: 81). By changing the pumped flow rate, we could measure MS channel response under a series of force with different magnitude order.
Pressure fields of 108kHz and 1.1MHz transducers were simulated for different power and distance. The pressure field distribution changes smoothly, while the pressure distribution was quite chaos in condition of 1.1MHz. Only strong cell response was observed for 108kHz condition as shown in Fig. 11.No obvious cell response was observed for 1.1MHz stimulation.
{{SUSTech_Image | filename=T--SUSTech_Shenzhen--pasted-image-124.png|caption=Fig. 2 The design of microfluidic chip}}
{{SUSTech_Image_Center_10 | filename=T--SUSTech_Shenzhen--hardware-sim-A.png|width=400px|caption=<B>A</B>}}
{{SUSTech_Image_Center_10 | filename=T--SUSTech_Shenzhen--hardware-sim-B.png|width=400px|caption=<B>B</B>}}
Syringe pump  programmed by ourselves is a great tool for stimulation of accurate intensity and duration. In our experiment, the fluid flow will  be maintained for about 2 min. And only after the cells have recovered from the last experiment (indicated by reverting to normal fluorescence intensity), would we start the next round of shear force stimulation.
'''Fig. 11 A. Pressure distribution of 108kHz ultrasonic transducer''' the transducer was 1.0mm far above the cell layer, 251700 Pa was added to the transducer-water interface. B Pressure distribution of 1.1MHz ultrasonic transducer, the transducer was 1.0mm far above the cell layer. 60V voltage was input to drive the 1.1MHz transducer thus 528000 Pa was added to the transducer-water interface.
During the experiment, the cells must tightly adhere to the channel bottom, by treating microfludics tunnel with gelatin, cell could adhere to the treated surface of glass slide. Once the cell have adhere to the glass slide, syringe pump was used to control the influx of medium to generate a shear stress on every channel walls. The fluorescence intensity of the cells would increased within a second by using R-GECO as an indicator of the intracellular calcium concentration. Live cell imaging system can capture its signal and record the data throughout whole experimental period, then, Matlab analysis was applied. For the cells which has a longer response time employing NFAT signal pathway, the change of gene expression(green fluorescent as downstream) can be observed under live cell imaging system after 20 hours.
Microfluidic chips in our experiment were made by polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) fixed on a slide of glass. PDMS is the material for fast prototyping microfluidic devices. PDMS chips are widely used in laboratories, especially in the academic community due to their low cost and ease of fabrication. Here are listed the main advantages of such chips:
# Oxygen and gas permeability
# Optical transparency, robustness
# Non toxicity
# Biocompatibility
# No water permeability
One of the main drawbacks of PDMS chips is its hydrophobicity. Consequently, introducing aqueous solutions into the microchannels is difficult and hydrophobic analytes can adsorb onto the PDMS surface. Fortunately, there are now PDMS surface modification methods such as gas phase processing methods and wet chemical methods (or combination of both) to avoid issues due to hydrophobicity which we also employed in our experiment. After the fabrication of microfluidics channels having been done made by polydimethylsiloxane, they are treated with oxygen plasma for hydrophilic property. After this procedure, polydimethylsiloxane could bond to glass tightly.
== How to fabricate ==
After reading existing papers about the processing technology typically used in microfluidic chips production and endless trial experiment, we have formed our own processing protocol based on our equipments and requirements.
In experiment, 108kHz ultrasonic device induced a strong cell response as is shown in the following. However, no cell response was observed when cells were stimulated by 1.1MHz transducer.
The microfluidic chips used in our project were all produced using this protocol.
{{SUSTech_Image_Center_10 | filename=T--SUSTech_Shenzhen--POCSrwgttehtey.jpg|width=1000px|caption=<B>Fig. 12 Fluorescence response of R-GECO+Poezo1 cell when stimulated by 108kHz ultrasonic transducer from 10s to 30s. The fluorescence intensity increased for more than 5 times.</B>}}
== Process Overview ==
{{SUSTech_Image_Center_10 | filename=T--SUSTech_Shenzhen--sound-NFAT.png|width=1000px|caption='''Fig. 13 Long-term NFAT cell experiment''' Both pNFAT+GFP and pNFAT+GFP, Piezo1 cells were stimulated by 108kHz ultrasound 5s on and 10s off iteratively.}}
{{SUSTech_Image | filename=T--SUSTech_Shenzhen--bonding-process.png|caption=Fig. 3 Process Overview}}
= Time-resolved Flow Cytometry =
SU-8 Photoresist can cross-link to a network of polymer when exposed to short wavelength light. If the cross-linked network has formed, it cannot be dissolved by the SU-8 developer. So if we place a photo mask to shade the light shine on the photoresist, we can make a copy of the pattern on the photo mask.
{{SUSTech_Image | filename=T--SUSTech_Shenzhen--g+p-control.jpg|caption=Control}}{{SUSTech_Image | filename=T--SUSTech_Shenzhen--g+p.jpg|caption=R-GECO+Piezo1 with ultrasound stimulus}}
Both PDMS and glass contains silicon element. When they were treated by oxygen plasma, unstable hydroxyl group will form on the treated surface. When they get close enough, two hydroxyl group will dehydrate and bond together covalently.
Cells are transported through a flow cytometry capillary and is activated by ultrasound in a vial filled with ddH<sub>2</sub>O. The cells are floating in the medium. This eliminates the interface effect on the water-soild boundary.
<html><a href="/Team:SUSTech_Shenzhen/Notebook/Fabrication" class="btn">Detailed Protocol</a></html>
= Reference =

Latest revision as of 03:58, 20 October 2016

Team SUSTC-Shenzhen




Successful directed-evolution of mechanosensitive (MS) channel relys on the precise measurement of the mechanical sensitivity of MS channels. When they are stimulated by mechanical force, a Ca2+ influx is triggered, which in turn induces downstream NFAT promoter.

To quantitatively test the mechanical properties of MS channels, a standard method to generate force field was developed and evaluated. Microfluidics was designed to study the MS channel response to fluidic shear force. In sonic stimulation part, we developed both ultrasonic and audible sonic simulation hardware.

See the related modeling process in Model

T--SUSTech Shenzhen--hardware-overview.png
Fig. 1 Experimenting with Devices


Microfluidics is an experimental methodology integrating multiple disciplines such as biology, bioengineering, physics, chemistry, nanotechnology, and material sciences. It includes design and fabrication of small devices in which low volumes of fluids are processed to achieve automation, and high-throughput screening.[1] Microfluidic chips allows fluids to pass through different channels of different diameter, usually ranging from 5 to 500 μm.[2] Owning to its characteristic small dimensions, it saves valuable reagents and requires small amount of samples. In the past decades, the basic techniques of microfluidics for the study of cells such as cell culture, cell separation, and cell lysis, have been well developed. Based on cell handling techniques, microfluidics has been widely applied in the research of cell biology.[3]

Why Microfluidics

Without prior knowledge of the range of shear stress sensible by Piezo1 and TRPC5 channel, we would like to simultaneously apply different mechanical stresses to different cells in one experiment, so that the cellular responses can be quantitatively characterized. The flow speed in a microfluidic chip can be modulated with flow rate, tightly tunable with a syringe pump, and the cross-section of the channel, determined with the microfabrication process. After calculation and simulation of fluid dynamics, relationship between the flow speed and shear stress can be readily obtained.

T--SUSTech Shenzhen--Photomask-Made.jpeg
Fig. 2 Photomask We Made to Fabricate the Microfluidics Chip

Specifically, as the dimensions of the microfluidics devices being reduced, physics characteristics in conventional laboratory-scale are no longer applied. Usually the fluid flow in microfludic chips is laminar flow (Reynolds number<3). It leads to a drastic simplification of the complex Navier-Stokes equations describing fluid mechanics.

Our Microfluidics Design

In order to speed up the shear force sweeping experiment, we would like to have parallel chambers with different flow speeds and shear forces in the same chip. After a number of design, fabrication and experiment cycles, we end up with this specifically designed microfluidics chip (Fig.3) so that the flow speeds inside three channels follow a 1:9:81 ratio (Fig.4). The flow rate ratio is determined by the channel branching and branching length. The channels are all with the same width and height, so that the flow rate is linear related to flow speed and shear force. The observation window is designed that three channels are parallel and just fit into the optical field of our Nikon Ti-E live cell imaging systems with a 10x NA0.45 objective and a Hamamatsu Orca Flash 4.0 sCMOS camera.

T--SUSTech Shenzhen--pasted-image-124.png
Fig. 3 The design of microfluidic chip

Fig. 4 Flow speeds inside three channels follow a 1:9:81 ratio

Microfluidics chips in our experiment were made with polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) covalently bound on a glass slide. PDMS is the material widely used on fast prototyping microfluidic devices. PDMS chips are widely used in laboratories, especially in the academic community due to their low cost and ease of fabrication. Here are listed the main advantages of such chips: 1. Oxygen and gas permeability 2. Optical transparency, robustness 3. Non toxicity 4. Biocompatibility 5. No water permeability

One of the main drawbacks of PDMS chips is its hydrophobicity. Consequently, introducing aqueous solutions into the channels is difficult and hydrophobic analytes can be absorbed onto the PDMS surface. Fortunately, there are PDMS surface modification methods such as gas phase processing and wet chemical methods (or combination of both) to avoid hydrophobicity. After the fabrication, the microfluidics chips made of polydimethylsiloxane were treated with oxygen plasma for hydrophilic property. After this procedure, polydimethylsiloxane could bond to glass tightly, and channels in chips would be hydrophilic enough for medium to pass thorough. Immediately adding media also slows recovery to hydrophobicity of surface.

We programmed syringe pump to provide precise control over the total flow rate and thus flow rate of each channels. Therefore, shear force of any strength and duration can be applied to cells expressing MS channels. In our experiment, the flow will be maintained for about 2 min. Only after the cells have recovered from the last experiment (indicated by reverting to normal fluorescence intensity), would we start the next round of shear force stimulation.

During the experiment, the cells must be tightly adhered to the bottom of the channels. We coat the channels in the chip with gelatin, so that cell could adhere to the glass surface on the bottom of the channels.

Cells expressing MS channels and R-GECO are injected to the chip inlet, and settled down. Once the cells adhere to the glass bottom of the channels, the microfluidics chip is clamped onto the live cell fluorescent imaging systems, so that the observation window is aligned with the optical field. With continuing observation of the R-GECO fluorescence (calcium signals), the syringe pump was set to different flow rates and durations to apply three given shear forces to cells in three channels. As calcium signals might not be synchronized among the cells in the same channel, we load the time-lapse fluorescent images load into customerized MATLAB script. We manually identify each cells. The fluorescent intensities for each cell are calculated over time. The increases in fluorescence intensities normalized over the control conditions are defined as the representation of calcium responses to shear forces for each cells (the detailed calculation is in the modeling session). To assess the sustained response to shear force, cell integrated with NFAT promoter driven GFP is used to detect signal downstream of Calcium-Calmodulin-Calcineurin, typically 20 hours after the onset of mechanical stimulation.

How to fabricate

After studying existing papers about the processing technology typically used in microfluidics chips production, and endless trial-and-error, we have formed our own processing protocol based on our equipments and requirements. The microfluidics chips used in our project were all produced using this protocol (Fig. 5).

Process Overview

SU-8 Photoresist can cross-link to a network of polymer when exposed to short wavelength light. If the cross-linked network has formed, it cannot be dissolved by the SU-8 developer. So if we place a photo mask to shade the light shined on the photoresist, we can make a copy of the pattern on the photo mask.

Both PDMS and glass contain silicon element. When they were treated by oxygen plasma, unstable hydroxyl group will form on the treated surface. When they get close enough, two hydroxyl group will dehydrate and bond together covalently.

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Fig. 5 Process Overview

Detailed Protocol

Sound Stimulation Devices

Acoustic Devices

Various devices generating frequencies from 300Hz to 1.7MHz were made to identify the most sensitive acoustic parameters for MS channels. The cytotoxic experiment of each device is determined from cell proliferation experiments with sound generator dipping into culture medium.

Audible Frequency

Audible sound is defined as 20Hz to 20kHz sound wave. We designed modulated devices to generate audile signals to stimulate cells. Three kinds of sound generators were used for generateing audible sonic stimulation. Each one has its specific range of frequency and power, as shown in the following table.

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Fig. 6 Concept Schematics of the AF Stimulator

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Fig. 7 Completed AF Stimulator

The signal was generated by a signal generator. After magnified by an amplifier, the signal was sent to a sound generator, which can be buzzer, balanced armature or speaker. As all of the three sound generators showed cell toxicity in some extent, sound generators were kept outside the cell dish and sonic stimulation was transmitted by air or polysterine plastics. Each one has its specific range of frequency and power which are shown in the following table.

Table 1 Three kinds of sound generators used for audible sonic stimulation

Sound generator Frequency Power Transmission medium Evaluation
Buzzer 3kHz-20kHz 0-1W PS plastic (cell dish) Strong cell response at 15kHz and 20kHz.
Balanced armature 1kHz-15kHz 0-100mW Air, water No cell response observed.
Speaker 300Hz-5kHz 0-3.5W Air, water No cell response observed.

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Balanced Armature
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Fig. 8 Balanced Armature Sonic Stimulation Device and Speaker Used for Sonic Stimulation

Experiment Results

After testing all of the three sound generators above (Fig.8), we found that only buzzer induces obvious cell response, particularly in high frequency conditions (15kHz and 20kHz, shown in Fig.9). Polystyrene plastic medium is efficient to transmit energy to cell.

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Fig. 9 Cell fluorescence response when stimulated by buzzer emitting sound of various frequencies (A) Cell fluorescence intensity increased greatly when stimulated by 15K and 20kHz sound. While no obvious fluorescence intensity changes when GECO cells (without MS channel) were stimulated (B).

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Fig. Frequency response of the buzzer

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Fig. Calibration Device: Pressure Microphone

Ultrasound devices

After seeing cell response in audible sonic frequency, we intend to determine the higher frequency using 4 types of ultrasonic devices we made. We did cytotoxicity experiment for each ultrasonic transducer for 20 hours. The experiment result was summarized in the following table.

Device Frequency & power Description Evaluation
Device1 28kHz 40W

Large thermal power consumed. Low ultrasonic radiant power.

Cell atoxic.

No cell response observed.

Quickly damaged.

Device2 108kHz 4.1W


Quantitive stimulation.


Cell atoxic.

Strong cell response observed.
Device3 1.1MHz Adjustable power


Quantitive and power adjustable stimulation.


Cell atoxic.

Weak cell response observed.
Device4 1.7MHz Adjustable power

Power adjustable.

Low Cytotoxicity.

No cell response observed.

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Fig. 10 Hardware established for ultrasonic stimulation. (A) Device1 (B)Device2 (C)Device3 (D) Device4

Experimental Results

Pressure fields of 108kHz and 1.1MHz transducers were simulated for different power and distance. The pressure field distribution changes smoothly, while the pressure distribution was quite chaos in condition of 1.1MHz. Only strong cell response was observed for 108kHz condition as shown in Fig. 11.No obvious cell response was observed for 1.1MHz stimulation.

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Fig. 11 A. Pressure distribution of 108kHz ultrasonic transducer the transducer was 1.0mm far above the cell layer, 251700 Pa was added to the transducer-water interface. B Pressure distribution of 1.1MHz ultrasonic transducer, the transducer was 1.0mm far above the cell layer. 60V voltage was input to drive the 1.1MHz transducer thus 528000 Pa was added to the transducer-water interface.

In experiment, 108kHz ultrasonic device induced a strong cell response as is shown in the following. However, no cell response was observed when cells were stimulated by 1.1MHz transducer.

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Fig. 12 Fluorescence response of R-GECO+Poezo1 cell when stimulated by 108kHz ultrasonic transducer from 10s to 30s. The fluorescence intensity increased for more than 5 times.

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Fig. 13 Long-term NFAT cell experiment Both pNFAT+GFP and pNFAT+GFP, Piezo1 cells were stimulated by 108kHz ultrasound 5s on and 10s off iteratively.

Time-resolved Flow Cytometry

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R-GECO+Piezo1 with ultrasound stimulus

Cells are transported through a flow cytometry capillary and is activated by ultrasound in a vial filled with ddH2O. The cells are floating in the medium. This eliminates the interface effect on the water-soild boundary.


  1. Lisa R. Volpatti, Ali K. Yetisen ( 2014). Commercialization of microfluidic devices. UK: Trends in Biotechnology.
  2. John W. Batts IVn. (2011). All about fittings, A pratical guide to using and understanding fittings in a laboratory environment. United States of America (USA): IDEX Health & Science LLC.
  3. Keith E. Herold and Avraham Rasooly (2009). Lab-on-a-Chip Technology (Vol. 1): Fabrication and Microfluidics | Book. United States of America (USA): Caister Academic Press.

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