Team:Valencia UPV/Notebook

18/05 Take glycerinated cultures of C58 Agrobacterium with dsRED from GoldenBraid Collection. Prepare broth culture (5 mL LB + 5 uL kanamycin + 5 uL Rifampin) 1:1000 and incubate overnight at 28^C. 19/05 Refresh previously made culture by inoculating 10 uL in a new culture medium. 20/05 |Agroinfiltration path:#; in Nicotiana benthamiana of C58 with dsRED. 06/06 Take from the glycerinates of Goldenbraid Collection: Plasmid GB Code pD6B3 alpha1 GB0015 pD6B3 alpha2 GB0017 pD6B3 omega1 GB0019 pD6B3 omega2 GB0021 pUPD2 GB0307 Prepare liquid culture (3 mL LB + 3 uL antibiotic) 1:1000. Incubate at 37^C overnight. Experiment with snails: Two experiments: one with infiltrated Nicotiana benthamiana and another with not infiltrated N.benthamiana (negative control). Lettuce leafs haven't been correctly infiltrated and it seems that the expression level is low. Let both N. benthamiana leafs with snails overnight at room temperature in separated boxes. We will observe if snails eat the leafs and if appears fluorescence. 15/06 Experiment is over due to snails haven't eaten leafs enough so we have not been able to see fluorescence. 30/06 Orange DNA Genome Extraction protocol href Take from the glycerinates of GoldenBraid Collection: Plasmid GB Code Promoter 35s:Cas9:nopaline synthase terminator (Tnos) GB0639 Luciferase (Luc) in pUPD2 GB0096 Tnos in pUPD2 GB0037 01/07 Miniprep with E.Z.N.A. Plasmid Mini Kit I, Q(capless) Spin of: Promoter 35s:Cas9 : Tnos Luciferase and nopaline synthase terminator cultures haven't succeed. Repeat Luc and Tnos cultures. Primers IG16JUN01 and IG16JUN02 have arrived. Finish orange DNA Genome Extraction and check DNA concentration with NanoDrop. Concentration is very low so extraction will be done again. 02/07 Miniprep with E.Z.N.A. Plasmid Mini Kit I, Q(capless) Spin of: Luc in pUPD2 Tnos in pUPD2 Check orange DNA genome concentration with NanoDrop. Sample DNA concentration (ng / uL) Clemenules1 3153.8 Clemenules 2 4527.9 Perform a PCR to bind linker with luciferase: Reagent Volume(uL) Program LuciferasepUPD 1 Temperature Time Buffer HF 10 98^C 5 minutes dNTPs 2 98^C 35x 30 seconds IG16JUN01 2.5 70^C 35x 30 seconds IG16JUN02 2.5 72^C 35x 1 minute 30 seconds Taq phusion 0.5 72^C 10 minutes H2O milli-Q 31.5 16^C ∞ 04/07 Run electrophoresis gel of Clemenules DNA (agarose 1%). 45 mL agarose gel at 1% 0.45 g of agarose with 45 mL of TAE 1X. Voltage used is 100 V. Rice DNA Genome Extraction Protocol href Run electrophoresis gel of Luciferase PCR product. 45 mL agarose gel at 1% 0.45 g of agarose with 45 mL of TAE 1X. Voltage used is 100 V. Ligate Reaction --> Linker:Luciferase into a pUPD2 Transform E.coli DH5alpha with it. The method that is necessary to carry out this procedure is explained in |protocols path:#; Check DNA concentration with NanoDrop. SAMPLE DNA Concentration(ng / uL) Rice Gleva 1 22.8 Rice Gleva 2 17.3 05/07 Run electrophoresis gel of Gleva rice DNA. We have checked that there isn't DNA. Repeat: Rice DNA Genome Extraction href Check DNA concentration with NanoDrop. SAMPLE DNA Concentration(ng / uL) Rice Gleva 1 294.9 Rice Gleva 2 193.7 Run electrophoresis gel of Gleva rice DNA. It observed that genome extraction is correctly done. 06/07 Take glycerinated cultures from Goldenbraid Collection: GB part Plasmid Antibiotic Number GB psgRNA pUPD Ampicillin 0645 U6-26 pUPD Ampicillin 1001 07/07 Miniprep with E.Z.N.A. Plasmid Mini Kit I, Q(capless) Spin of: psgRNA in pUPD2 U6-26 in pUPD2 Primers IG16JUL01, IG16JUL02, IG16JUL03, IG16JUL04, IG16JUL05, IG16JUL06, IG16JUL07 and IG16JUL08 arrived. gBlocks of - promoter 35s:5' region - have arrived. We perform a PCR of orange and rice Genome Extraction following the |protocol path:#; Sample Initial concentration(ng/uL) Final concentration(ng/uL) Initial volume(uL) Final volume (uL) Clemenules 1 3153.8 150 4.756 100 Clemenules 2 4527.9 150 3.31 100 Gleva 1 294.9 150 50.8647 100 Gleva 2 193.7 150 77.44 100 REAGENT VOLUME(uL) PROGRAM Clemenules DNA 1 TEMPERATURE TIME Buffer HF 10 98^C 5 minutes dNTPs 2 98^C 35x 30 seconds IG16JUL01 (TFL_For) 2.5 64^C 35x 30 seconds IG16JUL02 (TFL_Rev) 2.5 72^C 35x 30 seconds Taq phusion 0.5 72^C 10 minutes H2O milli-Q 31.5 16^C ∞ REAGENT VOLUME(uL) PROGRAM Gleva DNA 1 TEMPERATURE TIME Buffer HF 10 98^C 5 minutes dNTPs 2 98^C 35x 30 seconds IG16JUL03 (Ga20_for) 2.5 72^C 35x 30 seconds IG16JUL02 (Ga20_rev) 2.5 72^C 35x 30 seconds Taq phusion 0.5 72^C 10 minutes H2O milli-Q 31.5 16^C ∞ Ligate reaction of promoter 35s:5' region in pUPD2. Following ligation protocol href, BsmbI enzyme is used in this reaction. 08/07 Run electrophoresis gel of Clemenules and Gleva PCR products. 45 mL agarose gel at 1 % 0.45 g of agarose with 45 mL of TAE 1X. Voltage used is 120 V. Transform E.coli with the next devise: promoter 35s:5' region (electroporation 2.5KV). Plating it and incubate overnight at 37^C. Take glycerinated culture for Georgia collaboration. The devise is promoter 35s:GFP:Tnos (alpha1 and kanamycin) 09/07 Miniprep with E.Z.N.A. Plasmid Mini Kit I, Q(capless) Spin of: promoter 35s:GFP:Tnos No colonies have grown in the devise promoter 35s:5' region petri dishes. Repeat transformation procedure, plating again and incubate overnight at 37^C. 11/07 Pick a single E. coli DH5alpha (promoter 35s:5' region in pUPD2) colony from the plate that has been incubated overnight. Inoculate a starter culture of 4 ml of LB medium with 4 uL of chloramphenicol in a 50 ml tube with the colony and incubate it overnight at 37^C with shaking. Check Georgia miniprep concentration with NanoDrop (promoter 35s:GFP : Tnos) Sample DNA Concentration(ng / uL) DNA Concentration(ng) 1 105.2 5035.2 2 104.6 5035.2 Targets ligations in pUPD2 (Orange Clemenules and Rice Gleva). Following |ligation protocol path:#;, BsmbI enzyme is used in this reaction. 12/07 Pick a single E. coli DH5alpha (target Gleva in pUPD2 and target Clemenules in pUPD2) colony from the plate that has been incubated overnight. Inoculate a starter culture of 4 ml of LB medium with 4 uL of chloramphenicol in a 50 ml tube with the colony and incubate it 16 hours at 37^C. Miniprep with E.Z.N.A. Plasmid Mini Kit I, Q(capless) Spin of: Promoter 35s:5'region in pUPD2 Digestion of minipreps with NotI. Incubate 1 hour at 37^C Run electrophoresis gel of the following devise: promoter 35s:5' region in pUPD2. We remain the samples 1 and 3. Miniprep with E.Z.N.A. Plasmid Mini Kit I, Q(capless) Spin of: Rice Gleva target in pUPD2 Orange Clemenules target in pUPD2 Digestion of minipreps with NotI. Incubate 1 hour at 37^C. Run electrophoresis gel of the same devise: Rice Gleva target in pUPD2 Orange Clemenules target in pUPD2 Ligation using Golden Braid assembly of the next devise: Promoter 35s:5' region:Target:Luc:Tnos in alpha1 plasmid.
