Team:Cambridge-JIC/Integrated Practices



In order to integrate best practices for open hardware design within our protocols, we spoke to Tobias Wenzel, co-founder of DocuBricks; a website for high quality open source documentation, funded by the OpenPlant program. See what we discussed in the interview:

How we integrated this into our design:

  • Bring together biologists, engineers, technologists and others in the Cambridge area for meeting, co-working and socialising in a creative, cross-disciplinary, community-driven and safe environment.
  • Provide a well-equipped space for practical biology and engineering of biology on a community membership basis.
  • Support new and existing interdisciplinary collaborations for engineering biology, with a focus on promoting open technology and innovation.
  • Raise awareness, understanding and participation in biology and engineering of biology in the Cambridge area through public engagement activities, education and training.
  • Foster links with local industry and innovation organisations, building bridges between academia and bioenterprise.