
Even though Norovirus (NoV) remains the leading cause of food poisoning in the developed countries, its cultivation system has yet to come. Thus, when detecting NoV with high sensitivity as in food inspection, one must depend on a qRT-PCR of the virus RNA coupled with special virus concentration method. As a more economical alternative to this method, iGEM Kyoto is developing a biodevice that utilizes recombinant E.coli expressing a surface-displayed NoV antibody (only the variable fragment) and cellulose binding domain to detect miniscule amount of NoVs. We are also thinking of utilizing the said E.coli to treat/prevent NoV infection by directly introducing them to the patient small intestine. As we have been working on this project since last summer, we already have constructed the plasmids that codes for the expression of the surface-displayed variable fragment of NoV antibody and the surface-displayed cellulose binding domain, respectively. Additionally, through both western blotting and scanning electron microscopy, we have confirmed the specific affinity of NoV to the E.coli expressing the said recombinant proteins. This summer, we plan on measuring the affinity of cellulose to the surface-displayed cellulose binding domain, expressing the two surface-displayed proteins simultaneously, and ultimately testing the functionality, reliability, and practicality of our NoV detection system.