iGem Team
Alexandra Bisia: PR and sponsorship requests, primer design, BabbleBrick design, wet lab (BabbleBricks insertion and purification, Bead binding assays, BabbleBricks assembly and InterLab study) & dry lab (Lab Safety and Attributions wiki page).
Azzurra De Pace: PR and sponsorship requests, wet lab (BabbleBricks insertion and purification, Bead binding assays, BabbleBricks assembly, BabbleBlocks extraction and insertion and InterLab study) & dry lab (Interlab and NoteBook wiki page).
Brendan Largey: project design, primer design, presentation design, BabbleBrick design, PR, wet lab (BabbleBricks insertion and purification, Bead binding assay, BioBricks Assembly and Dps BioBricks) & dry lab (Abstract, Design and Biological Safety page)
Catalina Rotaru: PR and sponsorship requests, Human Practices, stream cipher and encryption, wiki realization & Encryption wiki page.
Freddie Starkey: project design, BabbleBrick design, error correction design and implementation, DNA encoding and decoding programmes, wet lab (BabbleBricks assembly and Dps BioBricks), modelling, wiki realization & Informatics wiki page, DNA encryption system.
Patrick Lim: infographics, wet lab (BabbleBricks purification), video editing and recording.
Pepy Iliev: PR and sponsorship requests, modelling, primer design, wet lab (BabbleBricks insertion and purification, Bead binding assays, BabbleBricks assembly, BabbleBlocks extraction and insertion) & dry lab (Abstract wiki page).
Rosie Maddock: project design, PR, lab work (BabbleBricks insertion and purification, BabbleBricks assembly, BabbleBlocks extraction and insertion, Dps BioBricks and InterLab study), dry lab (Proof of Concept wiki page)
Niki Lazaroo: PR and sponsorship requests, presentation design, infographics, wet lab (BabbleBricks assembly and Dps BioBricks), Human Practices & dry lab (Description wiki page).
Our entire team would like to thank the following people for their help and support over the duration of our project:
Our fantastic supervisors Jon Marles-Wright, Louise Horsfall, Chris French, David Clarke and Filippo Menolascina for the continuous guidance and for always pointing us in the right direction.
A special thank you to Dr Chris French, as our project stemmed from one of his ideas; our success is owed to your constant instruction.
To Dr Heather Barker for your excellent guidance in the lab and for never growing tired of our endless questions.
The Edinburgh Overgraduate team for helping us inside and outside of the lab by sharing your protocols, lab materials and encouragement with us.
Dr Heidrun Interthal for lending us a magnetic rack for our assembly method.
Dr Patrick Cai, Dr Ivan Yuan, Dr Valentin Zulkower, Dr Hille Tekotte and entire Cai Lab and Edinburgh Genome Foundry.
Doctor De Las Heras for letting us using his plate reader for the InterLab study.
Human Practices
Dr Erika Szymanski and Dr Pablo Schyfter for putting us on the right track with our human practices, and inspiring us to go beyond the lab.
Dr Andy Turner and Dr Adam Carter (EPCC/Archer) for speaking with us about different data storage techniques and how not all people require the same thing out of their data.
Dr Tristram Riley-Smith
Dr Joyce Tait
Mr Edward You
Stuart Lewis, Kerry Miller, Cuna Mitchell, Stuart MacDonald, Lina Lewis
Newcastle Team for putting us on the right track with our BioBricks and for testing our BabbleBricks.
Exeter Team for their comprehensive review of our checksum system.
Cambridge Team for software testing.
Dundee for helping us plan our debate.
Many thanks for the persons who helped us with the sponsorship
Holly Robertson-Dick for your constant help with funding, sponsorship and outreach.
Christina Tran and Cindy Wu for helping us set up and perfect our experiment.com fundraising page
BBSRC and Wellcome Trust
School of Biological Sciences
School of Chemistry
National Library of Scotland
Edinburgh Genome Foundry
All our wonderful Experiment.com Sponsors