Fundan ~ Tongji
Team Fudan need tet-on or tet-of promoter to get tetO element and miniCMV as the promoter to drive their genes of interest. Vice professor Wenwen Jia in our school works on apparent heredity field, happens to have tet-on kit for his work. We made contact with Pro. Wenwen Jia and gained 3μl. We also asked him for the associating kit that responses to panmycin and send the signal to promoter. Team Fudan used these two kits to PCR and continued their experiments. At the same time, Team Fudan had provided great help either. They built their kit ahead of us, and they generously provided almost all of the materials that we gonna need for kit submitting.(15 ml of chloromycetin powder,8 chloramphenicol resistance plates,80ml chloramphenicol resistance LB,Enzyme of XbaI and SpeI each 3μl)
SJTU ~ Tongji
Our team is found at 11-19,2015,2 months before Team SJTU2016 is found. During the previous 2 months, we collect remarkable project from all of the teams in the season of 2015 and some even further, and summarize the basic principle of genetically engineering. We shared these precious files with Team SJTU at 12.28 to help them have a quicker and better start, avoiding the repeating work.
Both our team and SJTU have the part of mathematics model building, so we have some collaboration with each other. Concerning the heat treatment, Pro.Xuemin Xu, also known as vice chairman of SJTU, is the specialist in this field. Coincidentally, one team member of Team SJTU had had her class of heat treatment. He provided us the relevant articles, and helped us to build the path of this model. Meanwhile, the SJTU is working on relation of the ADH, GAL, CUP promoter and expression level of protein downstream. One of graduate student is right working on the problem of GAL promoter, so we make contact with both of them and build a bridge.
NYU-Shanghai ~ Tongji
At 6.5,2016 our team visited team NYU-Shanghai for changing ideas. NYU-Shanghai raised the project using a 10bp micro-RNA with hairpin structure linked with fluorescence to indicate certain sequence of gene. Since we had done the work of overview the previous project, we noticed that one team in 2015 have already done the same job. We raised it to NYU-Shanghai, helped them to justify their projects.
NCTU_Formosa ~ Tongji
At 6.5,2016 our team visited team NYU-Shanghai for changing ideas. NYU-Shanghai raised the project using a 10bp micro-RNA with hairpin structure linked with fluorescence to indicate certain sequence of gene. Since we had done the work of overview the previous project, we noticed that one team in 2015 have already done the same job. We raised it to NYU-Shanghai, helped them to justify their projects.