Team:Tongji Shanghai/Safety Tongji Shanghai

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Why we deserve a medal.

Lab Safety

    Safety is prior to all other stuffs especially in the lab.

    The Administrative office of Laboratory and Equipment in Tongji University is responsible for the safety of biology labs. Before we freshmen get into the lab and do experiments, we must take some courses offered by Administrative office of Laboratory and Equipment and have several tests to qualify our safety training on the Tongji University website.

    After taking the cources and passing the tests, we became familiar with some rules to secure the biosafety such as wearing the white coat and gloves is the necessity before doing the experiment, never bring the experiment materials out of the lab and never eat or drink inside the lab. And later all our members also sign up on a letter of commitment in which we promise to obey all the rules to secure the lab safety and the lab manager has the right to prevent us from continuing the experiments if we did something harmful to safety.

    In order to secure 100 percetnt safe, we talked to the lab manager,Sanyun Liu, making sure that all of our experiments on E.coli are safe and also make sure the C.elegans we work with are properly disposed after our experiments.

Bio Safety

    The photothermal stability test result indicates that the AuNRs exhibits excellent photothermal stability. So it can be irradiated by laser many times with its properties unchanged. The cyto-toxicity of CTAB-GNRs is independent of their aspect ratio.

    And the cell toxicity experiment shows that the toxicity of the AuNRs is dose-related.When the AuNRs concentration is low, it doesn’t show obvious cell toxicity, but it exhibits cell toxicity with the concentration increase. The cell toxicity is the result of the AuNRs caninduce cell apoptosis and autophagy by damaging mitochondria and activating intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS).

    Surface modifications have been extensively used to improve the biocompatibility and stability of gold nanorods. Our results show that with the surface modification of PEG, the toxicity of the AuNRs decreased dramatically. In a word, all of the results testify that our material have well-controlled biosafety both in material stability and its cell toxicity.

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