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Promoting iGEM in the Middle East

Throughout the duration of working on our project, we have been communicating with the iGEM 2016 Team Ain Shams-Egypt to provide feedback on ideas and collaborate as the few schools located in the Middle East. The main goal for our collaboration was to exchange ideas to increase the number of teams participating in iGEM in our region. On October 15, 2016, we had a video-chat conversation between the two teams, and discussed how to bring iGEM closer to our communities.

After exploring different ideas, we decided to create flyers that would be distributed to high schools in the Middle East.

  • What is synthetic biology?
  • What is iGEM?
  • What is the iGEM competition?
  • Applications of synthetic biology
  • Our work this year
  • Resources

The content was written by both teams, and then translated into Arabic by the Ain Shams-Egypt Team in order to create an Arabic Version so that more students can become familiar with iGEM and synthetic biology.

You can download the PDF version here
You can download the Arabic PDF version here

Our team has also collaborated by:

  • Answering a survey (AHUT CHINA)
  • Communicating with other iGEM teams