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<h3 class="title1">OUR DEBATE <span>COMPETI</span>TION ARE</h3>
<p>As the tenth anniversary of Tianjin University participating in International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition, our team,  IGEM Tianjin, together with Beiyang Environment-Protecting Association held a debate competition discussing ethical issues provoked by the application of synthesis biology, aiming to publicize the conception of synthesis biology and arouse attention to biotechnology and protecting the globe. With our joint efforts, the debate was successfully held.<br/>
The debate began at 20 o’clock, 28th,Sep,2016, lasting for an hour. Our team members were invited as special guests to watch this interesting competition. During the interval, we gave out iGEM handbooks and souvenirs to audience. After that, we made a brief introduction of synthesis biology and our project.<br/>
The game went on very well. By the end of the debate, the winning team and the best debater were selected by the jury.
In the interview after this debate, the competitors asserted the topic of today’s discussion was both sparkling and instructive. They had learned a great deal of knowledge about synthesis biology and expanded their horizons during the preparation of the debate. Students watching the game also believed it was marvelous. They had got great interest in the application of synthesis biology after listening to many special cases.<br/>
Conclusively speaking, this debate was very successful. And we were so delightful to collaborate with Beiyang Environment-Protecting Association. This is our first time to hold the debate relevant to synthesis biology. It is so glad to see that everyone participated in the game with their whole heart and so intrigued by this subject. And the successful hosting of the debate epitomized our great publicity of synthesis biology.
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Latest revision as of 03:52, 30 September 2016


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