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<div class="entry-title" align="center" >Notes For ?</div>
<div class="entry-title" align="center" >Notes For Modified Cyanobacteria:A Controllable Lipid Producer</div>
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         <h1 class="entry-title">Week1(8/1/2016-8/7/2016)</h1>
         <h1 class="entry-title">Week1(8/1/2016-8/7/2016)</h1>

Revision as of 07:39, 4 October 2016


Team Tianjin-Attribution

Notes For Modified Cyanobacteria:A Controllable Lipid Producer


  • Cultivation: 30µL mother liquid of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7942 (wild type)were cultivated in 10 mL BG-11-media at 30°C and 140rpm.
  • The genome DNA of 7942 was extracted using a Genomic DNA Isolation Kit.

  • Week2(8/15/2016-8/21/2016)

  • Synechococcus sp PCC 7942 had no signals of life.

  • Igem-6803-week2


  • pMV-G19 and pMV-G15 containing our target genes were received.

  • Igem-6803-week3-1
  • Colonies were used to inoculate overnight cultures.
  • Plasmids were isolated using a miniprep kit.
  • Amplification of 19 and 15 with Q5 High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase out of E.coli
  • 19 amplification at 65.0°C with 19.rev/fwd primes.
  • PCR worked, positive control worked, no amplification of 19.
  • 15 amplification at 65.0°C with 15.rev/fwd primes.
  • PCR worked, positive control worked, no amplification of 15.
  • A product length of 900 bp was expected. The gel shows that most plasmids seem to be correct.
  • This result was confirmed by sequencing.
  • The fragments of 19 and 15 were purified with PCR Purification Kit.
  • Show More Ligation of 15 with 19
  • We add a single 3`-adenine overhang to each end of the fragment of 19 and then purified with DNA Purification Kit.
  • 19 was ligated into T vectors via TA clone and transformed into E.coli via heat shock.
  • A colony PCR was performed with five colonies.
  • Gel electrophoresis showed that 5 colonies were positive for insertion of 19. Two of these colonies containing 19 were used to inoculate overnight cultures.
  • 15 gene fragment was phosphorylated.
  • Plasmids containing T vector with 19(pT-19)were isolated using a miniprep kit.
  • Mono-restriction digest of pT-19 with stu I.
  • The enzyme-digested product was dephosphorylation.
  • Dephosphorylated plasmid and phosphorylated gene 15 were connected.
  • Ligation product was transformed into E.coli via heat shock.
  • A colony PCR was performed with twelve colonies.
  • Gel electrophoresis showed that 2 colonies were positive for connecting the plasmid and gene fragment. These two colonies were used to inoculate overnight cultures.
  • Plasmids with correct sequence of 19-15 were isolated using a miniprep kit.
  • Mono-restriction digest of pT-19-15 with Nru I.
  • The enzyme-digested product was dephosphorylation.

  • Igem-6803-week3-2
    Show More


  • Colonies containing gene 13 were used to inoculate overnight cultures.
  • Plasmids were isolated using a miniprep kit.
  • Amplification of 13 with Q5 High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase out of E.coli
  • 13 amplification at 65.0°C with 13.rev/fwd primes
  • PCR worked, positive control worked, no amplification of 13
  • The fragments of 13 were purified with PCR Purification Kit.
  • 13 gene fragment was phosphorylated.
  • Show More Insertion of Ni promoter and ligation of 13-19-15
  • Ni inducible promoter was ligated into pCPC-3301 vector.
  • Phosphorylated 13 was ligated into pT-19-15 and transformed into E.coli via heat shock.
  • Single colonies were obtained by plating.
  • A colony PCR of Ni inducible promoter(pCPC-3301-Ni) was performed with 12 colonies.
  • Two of the successful ones were used to inoculate overnight cultures.
  • A colony PCR of pT-13-19-15 was performed with 7 colonies.
  • Two of the successful ones were used to inoculate overnight cultures.
  • Two kinds of plasmids were isolated using a miniprep kit.

  • Igem-6803-week4
    Show More


  • Plasmids pT-13-19-15 were handed in for sequencing, which confirmed its correctness.
  • The sequencing results for both of them were error.
  • Colonies containing Ni inducible promoter were used to inoculate overnight cultures.
  • PCR was performed to check if the gene fragments were ligated correctly.
  • 13_ fwd and 15_rev on pT-13-19-15
    Gel electrophoresis showed that it failed.
  • Plasmids pCPC-3031-Ni were isolated using a miniprep kit.
  • Several PCRs were performed to check if the gene fragments were ligated correctly.
  • 1.13_fwd and 13_rev on pT-13-19-15
    2.19_fwd and 19_rev on pT-13-19-15
    3.15_fwd and 15_rev on pT-13-19-15
    4.13_fwd and 19_rev on pT-13-19-15
    5.19_fwd and 15_rev on pT-13-19-15
    6.13_ wd and 15_rev on pT-13-19-15
    The fourth and sixth ones were not successful.
  • Repetition: Phosphorylated 13 was ligated into pT-19-15 and transformed into E.coli via heat shock.
  • Repetition: Several PCRs were performed to check if the gene fragments were ligated correctly.
  • 1.13_fwd and 13_rev on pT-13-19-15
    2.13_fwd and 19_rev on pT-13-19-15
    The second one was failed.


  • Medium preparation :BG-11.
  • 19_ fwd and 15_rev were used to amplify 19-15.
  • Gel electrophoresis showed that amplification of fragments was successfull.
  • Ligated 13 and 19-15 via overlap PCR.
  • This PCR worked well and the products were extracted from the gel using a Agarose Gel DNA Extration Kit.
  • Restriction digest on pCPC-3031-Ni with Sac I.

  • Igem-6803-week6-1
  • The fragment 13-19-15 was ligated onto T vector and transformed into E.coli via heat shock.

  • Igem-6803-week6-2
  • A colony PCR of pT-13-19-15 was performed with 12 colonies.
  • Two of these colonies containing pT-13-19-15 were used to inoculate overnight cultures.
  • 13-19-15 gene fragment was phosphorylated.
  • Phosphorylated 13-19-15 was ligated into pCPC-3031-Ni and transformed into E.coli via heat shock.
  • Plasmids pT-13-19-15 were isolated using a miniprep kit.
  • A colony PCR of pCPC-3031-Ni-13-19-15 was performed with 12 colonies.
  • Three colonies were proved to be true. And two of them were used to inoculate overnight cultures.


  • Plasmids pT-13-19-15 were handed in for sequencing, which confirmed its correctness.
  • The sequencing results for them were correct.

    Notice: This page is currently under construction. Contents in this page are temporaory and will be modified several times before the final release.     — 2016 iGEM Team Tianjin

    Team Tianjin Sponsor Alltech
    Team Tianjin Sponsor GenScript
    Team Tianjin Sponsor SynbioTech