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<h2><a href="#">Experiments</a></h2>
<h2><a href="#">Experiments</a></h2>
Morbi convallis lectus malesuada sed fermentum dolore amet
<a href="#" class="image featured"><img src="images/bom01.jpg" alt="" /></a>
Commodo id natoque malesuada sollicitudin elit suscipit. Curae suspendisse mauris posuere accumsan massa
posuere lacus convallis tellus interdum. Amet nullam fringilla nibh nulla convallis ut venenatis purus
<!--Experiments and Protocols -->
lobortis. Auctor etiam porttitor phasellus tempus cubilia ultrices tempor sagittis. Nisl fermentum
consequat integer interdum integer purus sapien. Nibh eleifend nulla nascetur pharetra commodo mi augue
<h2>Experiments: Protein Characterization </h2>
interdum tellus. Ornare cursus augue feugiat sodales velit lorem. Semper elementum ullamcorper lacinia
natoque aenean scelerisque vel lacinia mollis quam sodales congue.
<b>Experiment name:</b> sfGFP visualization
<h3>Ultrices tempor sagittis nisl</h3>
<b>What experiment will show:</b> This experiment visualizes the sfGFP reporter protein in our PETase-sfGFP fused protein. It shows that our cells are expressing our fused protein.
Nascetur volutpat nibh ullamcorper vivamus at purus. Cursus ultrices porttitor sollicitudin imperdiet
at pretium tellus in euismod a integer sodales neque. Nibh quis dui quis mattis eget imperdiet venenatis
<b>Reason for doing experiment:</b> Validates PETase-sfGFP expression and characterizes the PETase-sfGFP part
feugiat. Neque primis ligula cum erat aenean tristique luctus risus ipsum praesent iaculis. Fermentum elit
fringilla consequat dis arcu. Pellentesque mus tempor vitae pretium sodales porttitor lacus. Phasellus
egestas odio nisl duis sociis purus faucibus morbi. Eget massa mus etiam sociis pharetra magna.
<b>Experiment methods:</b> Grew up <i>T7 lysY Iq</i> cells containing our plasmid. Induced with IPTG following the protocol for “Expression of T7 Cells” in general protocols below. Visualized cells using a Zeiss Axio Observer.Z1 fluorescent microscope and took pictures (see results page).
Eleifend auctor turpis magnis sed porta nisl pretium. Aenean suspendisse nulla eget sed etiam parturient
<b>Controls:</b> Also used an uninduced sample.
orci cursus nibh. Quisque eu nec neque felis laoreet diam morbi egestas. Dignissim cras rutrum consectetur
ut penatibus fermentum nibh erat malesuada varius.
Link to results page
<h3>Augue euismod feugiat tempus</h3>
<p><b>Experiment name:</b> SDS-PAGE </p>
<p><b>What experiment will show:</b> An SDS page separates the proteins in a sample by weight. We will be looking for a protein band at the expected size for PETase. </p>
Pretium tellus in euismod a integer sodales neque. Nibh quis dui quis mattis eget imperdiet venenatis
<p><b>Reason for doing experiment:</b> Running an SDS page will show us whether our protein is being expressed in our cells.</p>
feugiat. Neque primis ligula cum erat aenean tristique luctus risus ipsum praesent iaculis. Fermentum elit
<p><b>Materials:</b> 5x Tris-Glycine SDS Running Buffer, Mini-PROTEAN® TGX Stain-Free™ Precast Gels, Coomassie Blue Stain</p>
ut nunc urna volutpat donec cubilia commodo risus morbi. Lobortis vestibulum velit malesuada ante
<p><b>Experiment methods:</b> After growing up expression cells and inducing them with IPTG, we then lysed the cells using either ultrasonication or freeze-thaw (see our general lab protocols below for more information). The cell lysate including supernatant was then run on an SDS page. We followed the Mini-PROTEAN® Precast Gels Instruction Manual and Application Guide for gel electrophoresis. </p>
egestas odio nisl duis sociis purus faucibus morbi. Eget massa mus etiam sociis pharetra magna.
<p><b>Controls: </b>
<p>Link to results page </p>
<p><b>Experiment name:</b> Western blot </p>
<p><b>What experiment will show:</b> A Western blot detects whether a specific protein is present by using antibodies or other binding methods.</p>
<p><b>Reason for doing experiment:</b> We can validate the presence of our protein using a Western blot. Usually a western blot uses a specific antibody to bind the target protein. However, since our protein is newly discovered and there have not been any antibodies found for it, we included in the design of our PETase construct a histag. The histag is a sequence of six histidine amino acids that has a commercially-available antibody. By performing a Western blot we will observe only proteins with histags (and the only protein in our cells with a histag should be our recombinant protein). </p>
<p><b>Materials:</b> Novex NuPAGE® precast gels, NuPAGE® Antioxidant, NuPAGE® LDS Sample buffer 4x, NuPAGE® Sample Reducing Agent 10x, MES Running buffer, Novex PreStained Protein Ladder, MagicMark™, TBST, Dry milk, horseradish peroxidase antibody, XCell SureLock™ Mini-Cell Electrophoresis System, iBlot® 7-Minute Blotting System (corresponding Novex kit containing blotting paper, transfer membrane, iBlot™ Gel Transfer Stacks)</b>
<p><b>Experiment methods:</b> Before performing a Western blot we had to do a histag purification (see general lab protocols below) Afterwards, we followed the following protocol: </p>
Sample Preparation:
<p style="text-index: 40px">Reduced Samples:</p>
<p style="text-index: 60px">Sample: 5µl
<p style="text-index: 60px">NuPAGE LDS Sample Buffer (4x): 2.5µl
<p style="text-index: 60px">NuPAGE Reducing Agent (10x): 1µl
<p style="text-index: 60px">Deionized Water: 1.5µl
<p style="text-index: 40px">Nonreduced Samples:</p>
<p style="text-index: 60px">Sample: 5µl </p>
<p style="text-index: 60px">NuPAGE LDS Sample Buffer (4x): 2.5µl </p>
<p style="text-index: 60px">Deionized Water: 2.5µl</p>
2) Heat samples for 10 minutes at 70 degrees Celsius.  
3) Prepare ladder (5µl of Novex Pre-Stained Protein Ladder and 5µl MagicMark).
4) Prepare electrophoresis apparatus (and precast gels) in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
5) Add MES running buffer filling both chambers to the top.  
6) Add 500µl of Antioxidant to the upper chamber.
7) Load 10µl of ladder and each sample into the wells.
8) Run gel at 200V for 35 minutes.  
9) Refer to Thermo Fisher device manual for iBlot® 2 Dry Blotting System instructions (pages 21-25); select “p0” template method. 
<p>Link to results page </p>
<p><b>Experiment name:</b> p-nitrophenyl butyrate (pNPB) Assay</p>
<p><b>What experiment will show:</b> This experiment will show whether our enzyme is catalytically active. p-nitrophenyl butyrate (pNPB) is a substrate that contains an ester bond resembling the ester bond broken in PET degradation. PETase, and other PET-degrading enzymes are expected to break the ester bond in pNPB. When the bond is broken, the resulting product emits a wavelength of 405nm that can be detected by a plate reader set to read absorbances at 405nm. If our enzyme is catalytically active, we expect this experiment to show an increase of absorbance at 405nm after adding pNPB substrate. </p>
<p><b>Reason for doing experiment:</b> To show that our enzyme is catalytically active.</p>
<p><b>Materials:</b> As adapted from 2012 UC Davis iGEM’s LC Cutinase pNPB assay:
pNPB buffer (should be made and used in fumehood due to acetonitriles toxicity) </p>
<li>10mM pNPB in acetonitrile</li>
<li>1:4:95 ratio of acetonitrile pNPB solution, 100% ethanol and 50mM Tris-HCL (pH 8)</li>
<li>Plate reader </li>
<li>24 well plate</li>
<li>Cell lysate</li>
<p><b>Experiment methods:</b> Set up 24 well plate by adding cell lysate and controls. Add the pNPB buffer immediately before running the plate reader. Run the plate at 37C for 10mins inside the plate reader, taking measurements of 405nm absorbance every 15 seconds. 405nm is the absorbance of pNPB substrate that has been broken by an esterase enzyme, so a significant read at 405nm absorbance indicates enzyme is breaking ester bonds in the substrate. </p>
<p><b>Controls:</b> For each induced cell lysate sample, we added either lysis buffer (no pNPB substrate) or pNPB buffer. Additionally, we had uninduced controls with pNPB buffer, and a blank well with only pNPB buffer.</p>
<p>Link to results page </p>
<h2>Experiments: Microbial Fuel Cell </h2>
<p><b>Experiment name:</b> Delftia Metabolizing Terephthalic Acid (TPA)</p>
<p><b>What experiment will show:</b> Whether Delftia can grow using TPA as its sole carbon source</p>
<p><b>Reason for doing experiment:</b> In order to use Delftia in a microbial fuel cell with TPA as the carbon source, the bacteria has to be able to efficiently metabolize TPA. </p>
<p><b>Materials:</b> TPA, M9 Minimal Media, Delftia, Well Plates, Optical Density (OD) plate reader.</p>
<p><b>Experiment methods:</b> Prepare plates that contain the following: 1. Just M9 Medium 2. M9 + TPA 3. M9 + TPA + Delftia 4. M9 +Delftia. *Plates were grown for just over 14 hours at 30 degrees celsius. </p>
<p><b>Controls:</b> Plates containing M9 Medium alone; plates with M9 media and TPA; plates with M9 media and Delftia</p>
<p><b>Link to results page: </b>https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qGVdm075JIJKQRNLEYAYaUzqzC9B1t2XM9PZ2_R74B0/edit
<p><b>Experiment name:</b> Voltage Measurement in the Fuel Cell</p>
<p><b>What experiment will show:</b> Will show whether injecting TPA into our microbial fuel cell with Delfita and methylene blue will result in an increase in voltage. </p>
<p><b>Reason for doing experiment:</b> This will signify that our bacteria can use TPA as a substrate to produce electricity, and thus a signal.</p>
<p><b>Materials:</b> Fuel Cell with Delftia, TPA, M9 Minimal Media, Delftia Broth, Methylene Blue, Voltmeter connected to a PC</p>
<p><b>Experiment methods:</b> We first centrifuge the Delftia bacteria into a pellet in order to remove it from the original broth (which has a carbon source). We then resuspend the Delftia in M9 minimal salt medium (which doesn’t have a carbon source), then we add methylene blue and add it to the fuel cell. After the voltage has plateaued, we add TPA to the mix to see whether there is an increase in voltage.  </p>
<p>An electrometer that could be connected to a PC was purchased and is set up in a way that the black rod’s metal tip (negative) is constantly touching the anode, while red rod’s tip (positive) touches in on the cathode. Not only voltage with respect to time can be detected this way, but also the current can be measured in series and readings in the milliamps range should be expected. </p>
<p>First, before adding the liquid medium or bacteria inside the cell, the resistance is checked and it should be in the Mega or Kilo Ohms range (if not, the electrodes are touching touching the bolts and there is a need to reassemble). </p>
<p><b>Controls:</b> Bacteria in M9 Media and methylene blue inside the fuel cell, with no TPA</p>
<p>Link to results page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qGVdm075JIJKQRNLEYAYaUzqzC9B1t2XM9PZ2_R74B0/edit
<p><b>Experiment name:</b> Selecting Exogenous Mediator Type and Concentration </p>
<p><b>What experiment will show:</b> Will show which exogenous mediator type and concentration has the biggest color change. </p>
<p><b>Reason for doing experiment:</b> This will show us with exogenous mediator type and concentration is the best for the microbial fuel cell. </p>
<p><b>Materials:</b> Methylene blue, neutral red, C2566H, C2530H, M9 minimal medium </p>
<p><b>Experiment methods:</b> We tested two strains of E. Coli, with two different types of exogenous mediators (methylene blue and neutral) at 6 different concentrations (0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001, 0.0005). This would determine which exogenous mediator type and concentration is the best with a bacteria known to work in a microbial fuel cell (using the mediator method rather than the membrane protein method). </p>
<p>We decided to test methylene blue and neutral red as exogenous mediators because The 2013 Bielefeld iGem team worked on a similar experiment and these two mediators worked best for them. (iGem Bielefeld, 2013). </p>
<p>These mediators, essentially water-soluble redox molecules, can shuttle electrons from the microbe to the anode and therefore allowed us to use microbes without electron shuttling membrane proteins in the fuel cell. Based on the Bielefeld team’s experimental work, we conducted an experiment with our E.Coli and the exogenous mediators to see if they were able to reduce these. The overnight reduction of methylene blue and neutral red, which is visually obvious from the color change but also checked with a plate reader, comes from the bacteria’s ability to reduce the chemicals appropriately.  Based on Dr. Parra suggestions and its widespread use, methylene blue was used as the exogenous mediator in all future experiments after we confirmed that our strains were able to reduce it. </p>
<p><b>Controls:</b> Exogenous mediator and M9 medium without bacteria.</p>
<p>Link to results page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qGVdm075JIJKQRNLEYAYaUzqzC9B1t2XM9PZ2_R74B0/edit
<p><b>Experiment name:</b> pH optimization for PETase E. coli</p>
<p><b>What experiment will show:</b> How well PETase E. coli grows at different pHs</p>
<p><b>Reason for doing experiment:</b> PETase is most active at higher pHs, so we want to determine a happy pH medium between E. Coli growth and enzyme activity. </p>
<p><b>Materials:</b> NaOH, E. Coli, LB </p>
<p><b>Experiment methods:</b> We set up triplicates in 48 well plates of E. coli with lb set to different pHs and left it in an overnight plate reader for 350 mins. </p>
<p><b>Controls:</b> We also ran triplicates of just LB (without E. coli) but because this was not very useful information, we didn’t include it in the results page.</p>
<!--Link to results page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qGVdm075JIJKQRNLEYAYaUzqzC9B1t2XM9PZ2_R74B0/edit -->
<h2>Experiments: General Lab Protocols </h2>
<p><b>Experiment name:</b> Freeze Thaw</p>
<p><b>Materials:</b> Liquid culture of cells </p>
<p><b>Experiment methods: </b></p>
<p style="text-index: 40px">Protocol obtained from European Molecular Biology Laboratory: </p>
<p style="text-index: 40px">
freeze quickly on dry ice and leave for 3 min.
<p style="text-index: 40px">
thaw immediately at 42°C. Vortex vigorously to mix well.
<p style="text-index: 40px">
Repeat the two previous steps for three more times (4 freeze-thaw-vortex cycles in all).</p>
<p><b>Experiment name:</b> Ultrasonication </p>
<p><b>Materials:</b> Ultrasonicator</p>
<p><b>Experiment methods: </b>Sonicate a sample for 3 minutes at 30 second stop start intervals. Repeat for all samples. </p>
<p><b>Experiment name:</b> Histag purification </p>
<p> In purification techniques, the histidine residues are able to bind to immobilized Nickel ions, and can then be visualized. </p>
Experiment methods:</b>
<p><b>Experiment name:</b> Expression of T7 Cells </p>
<p><b>Materials:</b> NEB T7 Express lysY/Iq Competent E. coli (High Efficiency), IPTG, Carbenicillin, LB media</p>
<p><b>Experiment methods:</b></p>
<p>Note: Inoculate at least 2 colonies per plate. Since they are from the same plate, they contain the same plasmid. When inducing with IPTG, add IPTG to only one of the duplicates. This means we will have an induced and uninduced condition for the same plasmid (1 control for each induction).</p>
Transform expression plasmid into NEB Express Iq. Plate on ampicillin selection plates and incubate overnight at 37°C.  
Resuspend a single colony in 10 ml liquid culture with ampicillin and glucose:
<p style="text-index: 40px">
8 mL LB <br>
2 mL of Glucose (10% stock) for final glucose concentration of 2% <br>
10uL carbenicillin <br>
Remember to do two colonies per condition, so take two colonies from the same plate.<br>
Incubate at 37°C until OD600 reaches 0.4 - 0.6.
<p style="text-index: 40px">
When checking OD, take 100 uL of culture and add to 900 uL of LB media in an OD cuvette. Measure OD of dilution and multiply the OD600 by 10 to get the approximate OD. (You can check 1mL of culture when you believe the approximation is close to .5).<br>
Since cells grow fast you may have to re - inoculate before inducing with IPTG. Inoculate (8mL LB, 2 mL Glucose stock, antibiotic) fresh culture with overnight culture. Remember to OD before inducing. <br>
After reaching proper OD, spin down cells and discard supernatant (it has glucose in it). 4000g for 5 mins should work. Resuspend pellet in 10mL LB
Induce with IPTG:
<p style="text-index: 40px">
4 µl of a 1M stock of IPTG if doing 10mL culture (final concentration of 400 µM)<br>
Induce for 6 hours at 37°C.<br>
Remember to induce only one of your duplicates and keep the other as an uninduced control.<br>
<hr />
<hr />
<div class="row">
<article class="4u 12u(mobile) special">
<a href="#" class="image featured"><img src="images/pic07.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<h3><a href="#">Gravida aliquam penatibus</a></h3>
Amet nullam fringilla nibh nulla convallis tique ante proin sociis accumsan lobortis. Auctor etiam
porttitor phasellus tempus cubilia ultrices tempor sagittis. Nisl fermentum consequat integer interdum.
<article class="4u 12u(mobile) special">
<a href="#" class="image featured"><img src="images/pic08.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<h3><a href="#">Sed quis rhoncus placerat</a></h3>
Amet nullam fringilla nibh nulla convallis tique ante proin sociis accumsan lobortis. Auctor etiam
porttitor phasellus tempus cubilia ultrices tempor sagittis. Nisl fermentum consequat integer interdum.
<article class="4u 12u(mobile) special">
<a href="#" class="image featured"><img src="images/pic09.jpg" alt="" /></a>
<h3><a href="#">Magna laoreet et aliquam</a></h3>
Amet nullam fringilla nibh nulla convallis tique ante proin sociis accumsan lobortis. Auctor etiam
porttitor phasellus tempus cubilia ultrices tempor sagittis. Nisl fermentum consequat integer interdum.

Revision as of 13:38, 19 October 2016

Harvard BioDesign 2016


Experiments: Protein Characterization

Experiment name: sfGFP visualization

What experiment will show: This experiment visualizes the sfGFP reporter protein in our PETase-sfGFP fused protein. It shows that our cells are expressing our fused protein.

Reason for doing experiment: Validates PETase-sfGFP expression and characterizes the PETase-sfGFP part

Experiment methods: Grew up T7 lysY Iq cells containing our plasmid. Induced with IPTG following the protocol for “Expression of T7 Cells” in general protocols below. Visualized cells using a Zeiss Axio Observer.Z1 fluorescent microscope and took pictures (see results page).

Controls: Also used an uninduced sample.

Link to results page

Experiment name: SDS-PAGE

What experiment will show: An SDS page separates the proteins in a sample by weight. We will be looking for a protein band at the expected size for PETase.

Reason for doing experiment: Running an SDS page will show us whether our protein is being expressed in our cells.

Materials: 5x Tris-Glycine SDS Running Buffer, Mini-PROTEAN® TGX Stain-Free™ Precast Gels, Coomassie Blue Stain

Experiment methods: After growing up expression cells and inducing them with IPTG, we then lysed the cells using either ultrasonication or freeze-thaw (see our general lab protocols below for more information). The cell lysate including supernatant was then run on an SDS page. We followed the Mini-PROTEAN® Precast Gels Instruction Manual and Application Guide for gel electrophoresis.


Link to results page

Experiment name: Western blot

What experiment will show: A Western blot detects whether a specific protein is present by using antibodies or other binding methods.

Reason for doing experiment: We can validate the presence of our protein using a Western blot. Usually a western blot uses a specific antibody to bind the target protein. However, since our protein is newly discovered and there have not been any antibodies found for it, we included in the design of our PETase construct a histag. The histag is a sequence of six histidine amino acids that has a commercially-available antibody. By performing a Western blot we will observe only proteins with histags (and the only protein in our cells with a histag should be our recombinant protein).

Materials: Novex NuPAGE® precast gels, NuPAGE® Antioxidant, NuPAGE® LDS Sample buffer 4x, NuPAGE® Sample Reducing Agent 10x, MES Running buffer, Novex PreStained Protein Ladder, MagicMark™, TBST, Dry milk, horseradish peroxidase antibody, XCell SureLock™ Mini-Cell Electrophoresis System, iBlot® 7-Minute Blotting System (corresponding Novex kit containing blotting paper, transfer membrane, iBlot™ Gel Transfer Stacks)

Experiment methods: Before performing a Western blot we had to do a histag purification (see general lab protocols below) Afterwards, we followed the following protocol:

Sample Preparation:

Reduced Samples:

Sample: 5µl

NuPAGE LDS Sample Buffer (4x): 2.5µl

NuPAGE Reducing Agent (10x): 1µl

Deionized Water: 1.5µl

Nonreduced Samples:

Sample: 5µl

NuPAGE LDS Sample Buffer (4x): 2.5µl

Deionized Water: 2.5µl

2) Heat samples for 10 minutes at 70 degrees Celsius.

3) Prepare ladder (5µl of Novex Pre-Stained Protein Ladder and 5µl MagicMark).

4) Prepare electrophoresis apparatus (and precast gels) in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

5) Add MES running buffer filling both chambers to the top.

6) Add 500µl of Antioxidant to the upper chamber.

7) Load 10µl of ladder and each sample into the wells.

8) Run gel at 200V for 35 minutes.

9) Refer to Thermo Fisher device manual for iBlot® 2 Dry Blotting System instructions (pages 21-25); select “p0” template method.


Link to results page

Experiment name: p-nitrophenyl butyrate (pNPB) Assay

What experiment will show: This experiment will show whether our enzyme is catalytically active. p-nitrophenyl butyrate (pNPB) is a substrate that contains an ester bond resembling the ester bond broken in PET degradation. PETase, and other PET-degrading enzymes are expected to break the ester bond in pNPB. When the bond is broken, the resulting product emits a wavelength of 405nm that can be detected by a plate reader set to read absorbances at 405nm. If our enzyme is catalytically active, we expect this experiment to show an increase of absorbance at 405nm after adding pNPB substrate.

Reason for doing experiment: To show that our enzyme is catalytically active.

Materials: As adapted from 2012 UC Davis iGEM’s LC Cutinase pNPB assay: pNPB buffer (should be made and used in fumehood due to acetonitriles toxicity)

  • 10mM pNPB in acetonitrile
  • 1:4:95 ratio of acetonitrile pNPB solution, 100% ethanol and 50mM Tris-HCL (pH 8)
  • Plate reader
  • 24 well plate
  • Cell lysate
  • Experiment methods: Set up 24 well plate by adding cell lysate and controls. Add the pNPB buffer immediately before running the plate reader. Run the plate at 37C for 10mins inside the plate reader, taking measurements of 405nm absorbance every 15 seconds. 405nm is the absorbance of pNPB substrate that has been broken by an esterase enzyme, so a significant read at 405nm absorbance indicates enzyme is breaking ester bonds in the substrate.

    Controls: For each induced cell lysate sample, we added either lysis buffer (no pNPB substrate) or pNPB buffer. Additionally, we had uninduced controls with pNPB buffer, and a blank well with only pNPB buffer.

    Link to results page

    Experiments: Microbial Fuel Cell

    Experiment name: Delftia Metabolizing Terephthalic Acid (TPA)

    What experiment will show: Whether Delftia can grow using TPA as its sole carbon source

    Reason for doing experiment: In order to use Delftia in a microbial fuel cell with TPA as the carbon source, the bacteria has to be able to efficiently metabolize TPA.

    Materials: TPA, M9 Minimal Media, Delftia, Well Plates, Optical Density (OD) plate reader.

    Experiment methods: Prepare plates that contain the following: 1. Just M9 Medium 2. M9 + TPA 3. M9 + TPA + Delftia 4. M9 +Delftia. *Plates were grown for just over 14 hours at 30 degrees celsius.

    Controls: Plates containing M9 Medium alone; plates with M9 media and TPA; plates with M9 media and Delftia

    Link to results page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qGVdm075JIJKQRNLEYAYaUzqzC9B1t2XM9PZ2_R74B0/edit

    Experiment name: Voltage Measurement in the Fuel Cell

    What experiment will show: Will show whether injecting TPA into our microbial fuel cell with Delfita and methylene blue will result in an increase in voltage.

    Reason for doing experiment: This will signify that our bacteria can use TPA as a substrate to produce electricity, and thus a signal.

    Materials: Fuel Cell with Delftia, TPA, M9 Minimal Media, Delftia Broth, Methylene Blue, Voltmeter connected to a PC

    Experiment methods: We first centrifuge the Delftia bacteria into a pellet in order to remove it from the original broth (which has a carbon source). We then resuspend the Delftia in M9 minimal salt medium (which doesn’t have a carbon source), then we add methylene blue and add it to the fuel cell. After the voltage has plateaued, we add TPA to the mix to see whether there is an increase in voltage.

    An electrometer that could be connected to a PC was purchased and is set up in a way that the black rod’s metal tip (negative) is constantly touching the anode, while red rod’s tip (positive) touches in on the cathode. Not only voltage with respect to time can be detected this way, but also the current can be measured in series and readings in the milliamps range should be expected.

    First, before adding the liquid medium or bacteria inside the cell, the resistance is checked and it should be in the Mega or Kilo Ohms range (if not, the electrodes are touching touching the bolts and there is a need to reassemble).

    Controls: Bacteria in M9 Media and methylene blue inside the fuel cell, with no TPA

    Link to results page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qGVdm075JIJKQRNLEYAYaUzqzC9B1t2XM9PZ2_R74B0/edit

    Experiment name: Selecting Exogenous Mediator Type and Concentration

    What experiment will show: Will show which exogenous mediator type and concentration has the biggest color change.

    Reason for doing experiment: This will show us with exogenous mediator type and concentration is the best for the microbial fuel cell.

    Materials: Methylene blue, neutral red, C2566H, C2530H, M9 minimal medium

    Experiment methods: We tested two strains of E. Coli, with two different types of exogenous mediators (methylene blue and neutral) at 6 different concentrations (0.1, 0.05, 0.01, 0.005, 0.001, 0.0005). This would determine which exogenous mediator type and concentration is the best with a bacteria known to work in a microbial fuel cell (using the mediator method rather than the membrane protein method).

    We decided to test methylene blue and neutral red as exogenous mediators because The 2013 Bielefeld iGem team worked on a similar experiment and these two mediators worked best for them. (iGem Bielefeld, 2013).

    These mediators, essentially water-soluble redox molecules, can shuttle electrons from the microbe to the anode and therefore allowed us to use microbes without electron shuttling membrane proteins in the fuel cell. Based on the Bielefeld team’s experimental work, we conducted an experiment with our E.Coli and the exogenous mediators to see if they were able to reduce these. The overnight reduction of methylene blue and neutral red, which is visually obvious from the color change but also checked with a plate reader, comes from the bacteria’s ability to reduce the chemicals appropriately. Based on Dr. Parra suggestions and its widespread use, methylene blue was used as the exogenous mediator in all future experiments after we confirmed that our strains were able to reduce it.

    Controls: Exogenous mediator and M9 medium without bacteria.

    Link to results page: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qGVdm075JIJKQRNLEYAYaUzqzC9B1t2XM9PZ2_R74B0/edit

    Experiment name: pH optimization for PETase E. coli

    What experiment will show: How well PETase E. coli grows at different pHs

    Reason for doing experiment: PETase is most active at higher pHs, so we want to determine a happy pH medium between E. Coli growth and enzyme activity.

    Materials: NaOH, E. Coli, LB

    Experiment methods: We set up triplicates in 48 well plates of E. coli with lb set to different pHs and left it in an overnight plate reader for 350 mins.

    Controls: We also ran triplicates of just LB (without E. coli) but because this was not very useful information, we didn’t include it in the results page.

    Experiments: General Lab Protocols

    Experiment name: Freeze Thaw

    Materials: Liquid culture of cells

    Experiment methods:

    Protocol obtained from European Molecular Biology Laboratory:

    freeze quickly on dry ice and leave for 3 min.

    thaw immediately at 42°C. Vortex vigorously to mix well.

    Repeat the two previous steps for three more times (4 freeze-thaw-vortex cycles in all).

    Experiment name: Ultrasonication

    Materials: Ultrasonicator

    Experiment methods: Sonicate a sample for 3 minutes at 30 second stop start intervals. Repeat for all samples.

    Experiment name: Histag purification

    In purification techniques, the histidine residues are able to bind to immobilized Nickel ions, and can then be visualized.


    Experiment methods:

    Experiment name: Expression of T7 Cells

    Materials: NEB T7 Express lysY/Iq Competent E. coli (High Efficiency), IPTG, Carbenicillin, LB media

    Experiment methods:

    Note: Inoculate at least 2 colonies per plate. Since they are from the same plate, they contain the same plasmid. When inducing with IPTG, add IPTG to only one of the duplicates. This means we will have an induced and uninduced condition for the same plasmid (1 control for each induction).

    Transform expression plasmid into NEB Express Iq. Plate on ampicillin selection plates and incubate overnight at 37°C.

    Resuspend a single colony in 10 ml liquid culture with ampicillin and glucose:

    8 mL LB
    2 mL of Glucose (10% stock) for final glucose concentration of 2%
    10uL carbenicillin
    Remember to do two colonies per condition, so take two colonies from the same plate.

    Incubate at 37°C until OD600 reaches 0.4 - 0.6.

    When checking OD, take 100 uL of culture and add to 900 uL of LB media in an OD cuvette. Measure OD of dilution and multiply the OD600 by 10 to get the approximate OD. (You can check 1mL of culture when you believe the approximation is close to .5).
    Since cells grow fast you may have to re - inoculate before inducing with IPTG. Inoculate (8mL LB, 2 mL Glucose stock, antibiotic) fresh culture with overnight culture. Remember to OD before inducing.

    After reaching proper OD, spin down cells and discard supernatant (it has glucose in it). 4000g for 5 mins should work. Resuspend pellet in 10mL LB

    Induce with IPTG:

    4 µl of a 1M stock of IPTG if doing 10mL culture (final concentration of 400 µM)
    Induce for 6 hours at 37°C.
    Remember to induce only one of your duplicates and keep the other as an uninduced control.