


High school Engagement

So far, there is no high school in Wuhan, wubei province participate in iGEM. Some because of the school work burden, exams and university entrance pressure, and some because they even didn’t hear of iGEM, some just simply regard it as a course contest. So HUST-China feel our responsibility to show iGEM world to high school students.

This year, we decide to change the situation and we set(cast) our sight on high school education. to further popularize the basic knowledge of synthetic biology and to describe a magic syn-bio world that can make sense in reality. Huazhong university of secience and tech Affiliated middle school have a international view and they set international class. We hope this could be a breakthrough as the first high school team.

After early communication and preparation, we successfully held a seminar at The Affiliated High School of Huazhong University of Science and Technology on Jan 7th with over 200 high school teachers and students attending. On the seminar, we introduced the concept and basic knowledge of synthetic biology and iGEM and presented our 2015 iGEM project to them. Students showed great interest in our presentation and were amazed by all the novel ideas of iGEM teams in the past years. After the presentation, we sent out questionnaires to the audiences and received exciting feedbacks.

These high school students said that they were introduced to a new world of biology and a new technology that they hadn’t learnt before in their textbooks. They asked us various questions about synthetic biology and iGEM on the questionnaires. After the seminar, we discussed with the teachers from The Affiliated High School of HUST about the possibility of forming a high school team to attend the competition. They listened to our suggestions and felt promising to form a new team in the future.

Since then, we also invited some students to our lab several times, taught (them)basic laboratory skills and the progress of our Filter project. Hopefully next year we’ll have a new iGEM high school team in the Giant Jamboree!eam experience sharing.

Team experience sharing

  • New team

    NWPU is a new-found iGEM team this year. We had a small meetup with them on May 22th and shared our experience in team organizing, training, project preparing and some tips on attending the Giant Jamboree abroad.

    We are gald that they can participate iGEM this year, and looking forward to their performance.

    Shanhai-Tech is also a new team this year, maybe they found our enthusiasm in the iGEM-Cheering conference, we kept close contact with each other afterwards.

    We gave them detailed suggestions on part submissions, part documents and judging form fill-out. And we also shared some experience on how to get important imformation from official website and some reminder of the due-date. We expect to meet each other at the Jamboree!

  • Three-school in Wuhan

    After the frequent communications and collaboration last year, we had established Wuhan iGEM Committee with HAZU-China and WHU-China. Earlier this year, on April 17th, members from the three teams met together at HUST. We exchanged our preliminary ideas of our 2016 project and discussed the matters on interlab collaboration among three teams.

    And after the conference, we had dinner together, lots of fun!

Wetlab cooperations

  • Experimental design help out

    In order to test our engineered strain in more elegant way, we planned to make a time gradient visual aid, we set GFP and RFP as report genes to detect the switch function through time.

    And JSNU knew about our project and are interested in this characterization, so they volunteered to do pre-experiment for us. We delivered our test samples to them and their feedbacks are promising. They proved the possibility of the method. But moreover, we had to improve the detailed procress to make the result more convincing and concrete. We really appreciated their contributions.

  • Equipment help ou

    HZAU is a traditional team good at modeling and measurement, we have been in close contact so far. We often discussed about team construction and project preparing. During the summer confernce, we put up our suggestions on their circuit design to help them build mre concrete regulation of bacteria movement. And we also helped each other on equipment.

    Owing to limitation of experimental conditions, we got a problem of measurement this year. HZAU generously offered acequality and mutual benefit access to microplate reader and their lab for us. This is crucial for our circuit characterization this year, so HZAU really helped a lot.

    And in return, we did a favor to help them about part submission. We helped them to prepare delivery sample using our vacuum freeze dryer.

  • Interlab help out.

    Over the past two years, iGEM has advanced the frontiers of science with the two biggest interlaboratory studies even done in synthetic biology. These studies establishing a baseline for replicability of fluorescence measurements and identified likely key sources of error, and have now been published as an open-access journal article in PLOS ONE.

    But there is some accident occurs during the delivery, so we turn to each other for help. We offered device 3 plasmid to JLU and get positive control of Interlab from NKU and exchange with device 2 plasmid.

    We highly acknowledge IGEM’s concept of collaborations. Just in this atmosphere, teams equality and mutual benefit each others, iGEM community could develop fast, and teams from different contries could group up to maturity.

    All in all, HUST-China is a friendly and enthusiastic team, we are eager to help more~