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Let's PLAy project - Bioproduction of PLA


During our iGEM summer, we have been in contact with different teams. In the iGEM competition, working together propose a springboard for later value the desire to go as far as possible. Indeed, we think that collaboration makes better science and inspire each other: Together, to go further!

This year the iGEM EVRY team has collaborated with several teams:


Paris Bettencourt

As working with Pseudomonas putida, we provided to the iGEM Bettencourt team our organism, allowing the study of its ability to degrade quercitin for their project.

We also helped them studying the degradation of quercitin, antocyanin and malvidin, by running HPLC and MS experiments. Check it out here!

Imperial college

This year, Imperial College aimed to develop a framework for engineering co-cultures. We were contacted by the team and we helped them by running specific grow experiment on our organism Pseudomonas putida KT2440. We provided the data for their tool to facilitate the design and optimization of co-cultures.

iGEM Event

The European Experience

On the 2nd and 3rd of July, our iGEM team coorganized the European Experience with iGEM IONIS: team. This event allowed to gather more than 150 iGEMers with about 30 teams coming from 11 different countries in all Europe.

All the teams were able to present their project in a friendship mood. It was a great occasion to share our ideas, our different points of view and explore new possibilities about our project and collaborations. If you want to know more details about it, click here!

Ile de France Meet up

The 6th of August, we attended the Ile de France Meet-up. This fantastic meeting was performed at the Pasteur Institute and organized by iGEM Pasteur and iGEM Paris Saclay. Several Teams including ours presented their project and works in front of general public and judges.

Demonstration of a Drone was performed and garden picnic nickallow to tighten the link between iGEMer in Parisian area.


Trinity College Dublin

This year, we joined the iGEM Academy, a YouTube platform to share iGEM team video. It is an effective way to promote work; fostering the community spirit of iGEM. We presented there our MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) to teach about synthetic biology and explain our project.

EPF Lausanne

We were interviewed by iGEM EPF Lausanne for their blog:   which is a platform for teams to know about each other by providing team descriptions, project descriptions and interviews.

We were chosen as the team of the week on the 15th September :)

XMU-China iGEM

The iGEM team XMU-China provided information from iGEMers all over the world. We participated by providing our project presentation and survey.


For iGEM competition, knowing people points of view and understandings allow to improve projects. Survey is the most used way to have data and information. Our team has created its own survey about Polylactic-acid and has also fill surveys of other teams like Manchester, TecCEM Collegiate, IONIS, Purdue iGEM...

The Virginia iGEM team created and shared a survey about Biocontainment . Our team completed this survey and earned this wonderful badge!

We received this awesome badge from Paris-Saclay team for answering the questionnaire about synthetic biology and CRISPR-cas9 system.