Children are becoming the leading members of the society in the future, thus our team felt the necessity of alarming the students about the negative impact of plastic on environment and the solution to the problem: mealworms. Our team requested an educational institute for the gifted in Hankuk University of Foreign Studies to give a lecture to the students about the deleteriousness of plastic and the bacteria. As a result, about twenty students participated in the lecture in September 3rd and October 8th. Two of our team members made the lecture, mainly introducing the mechanism of mealworm decomposing plastic. We showed and explained the mechanism of mealworms’ digesting polystyrene. In addition, we offered the students the opportunity to touch and observe meal-worms.
Our team made a poster about our project to introduce it to students in Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies on July. RCNP is one of our school’s curriculum where students can participate in presenting their research on any topic they preferred. We exhibited our work in the main hallway of the school so that various school members including Humanities and Natural Science course students could see it. Our poster contained information about mealworms, bacterias inside of mealworms, and activities of what we did(campaigns, mini forums, visiting Korea University). The poster we created is shown below.
“La Sociedad Espanola de Honor de HAFS' article”
On Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies’ official Spanish News website, one of our members posted an article about the mealworms’ digestion mechanism and the potential effect on Earth. The news website is highly accessible which allowed people from other parts of the world, including the Hispanics, could also get informed about the bio-degradability of mealworms. Also, the newspaper is printed and distributed to Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies making the information more accessible to the students in our school.
HAFS (HANKUK ACADEMY OF FOREIGN STUDIES) English newspaper club, Harbinger, interviewed Koreasonyeodul on October 3, 2016. They asked general questions about the competition and asked about any difficulties we encountered. The newspaper with the interview will be printed and distributed in October 15, 2016 with our team’s picture in it. Following is the link to the online website of Harbinger.