

Main Subtitle

HAFS is...

   Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies is a private boarding school located in the northern part of Yongin, South Korea, and is the first Korean high school formed by a collaboration between the government and the university. It is one of the most prestigious boarding schools in Korea, renowned for its high academic level and successful college admission results.

Soomin Lee

Team Manager/Lab participant

Heesun Sim

Wiki/Design manager

Jimin Sun

Fundraise manager/Mealworm observer

I will try to passionately involve in the research and experiment. I will actively engage in not only the planning stage, but also in demonstrating the experiment. Also, I will deliberately review and plan the experiment in order to have an achieved result with active collaboration between our team members.

Jungeun Huh

Dry lab manager(Archive manage, Data analyze)/Mealworm observer

Seohyeon Kang

Fundraise manager/Mealworm observer/Wiki co-manager

I will try to prevent financial issue of conducting the experiments through active funding. Also, I will try to precisely research and systematically conduct the experiment to gain better result for our project. Moreover, I will try to prevent the world from suffering the overloading plastic problem. This will enhance the future into a better experiment.

Seunghee Han

Lab participant/Scheduler/Maid

I will destroy every plastic in the world!

Yemi Shin

Wet lab manager/Contact manager/Lab participant

As a student actively engaged in science, I am always concerned in environmental issues and have passion in science. Since this project is related to my future major, I will actively participate in this project.