May 03/2016
Finished our first prototype of our design.
May 05/2016
Tested our first our prototype and failed.
May 20/2016
Finished our second prototype of our design.
May 30/2016
Tested our second prototype and failed.
Finished our first prototype of our design.
Tested our first our prototype and failed.
Finished our second prototype of our design.
Tested our second prototype and failed.
Replaced our sensor with higher sensitivity.
Finished third prototype and succeed.
Presented final paper research and shared our extensive paper research result.
Strategy Modification
Received the feedback from professors and modified our strategy
Finished the diffusion simulation by finite differencing explicit methods in 2D
Tested the first data and found the suitable model by regression
Statistical test by the pair-difference T test
Designed the electrical circuit to reduce the cost
Finished the statistical inference and the whole statistical inference and prediction
Strategy modification and asked for users’ feedbacks, we add more functions to strengthen our product integrity
Made an app that suited our user-friendly experience
Built a system to upload the data to the cloud via Bluetooth and app
Cooperated with the wet lab and tested the flow of device
Tested all functions of our system
Collected final Feedback
Demonstrated to our potential users for final feedbacks
Prototype 1
Prototype 1 combine with toilet
Assembled the Arduino system and prototype.
Materials at the first time.
team work
program test
LED excited E. coli.
LED excited E. coli. with the filter
Photo-resistance testing
LED matrix
Top View
Back View
Sensing block
test paper
insert direction
circuit column arrangement
Produced Prototype 2 3D modal
Arduino test
Colored the final prototype in white