Team:NCKU Tainan/Notebook Device Design

Notebook Device Design - iGEM NCKU

NOTE / Device Design
Notebook - Device Design: Software
Received components from the stores
May 03/2016

Finished our first prototype of our design.

May 05/2016

Tested our first our prototype and failed.

May 20/2016

Finished our second prototype of our design.

May 30/2016

Tested our second prototype and failed.

Revised and reconstructed the prototypes
Jun. 15/2016

Replaced our sensor with higher sensitivity.

Jun. 16/2016

Finished third prototype and succeed.

Finished researching model paper
Jul. 01/2016

Presented final paper research and shared our extensive paper research result.

Jul. 05/2016

Strategy Modification

Received the feedback from professors and modified our strategy

Jul. 17/2016

Finished the diffusion simulation by finite differencing explicit methods in 2D

Aug. 10/2016

Tested the first data and found the suitable model by regression

Aug. 24/2016

Statistical test by the pair-difference T test

Aug. 30/2016

Designed the electrical circuit to reduce the cost

Sep. 01/2016

Finished the statistical inference and the whole statistical inference and prediction

Sep. 05/2016

Strategy modification and asked for users’ feedbacks, we add more functions to strengthen our product integrity

Sep. 15/2016

Made an app that suited our user-friendly experience

Sep. 20/2016

Built a system to upload the data to the cloud via Bluetooth and app

Final testing of device
Sep. 30/2016

Cooperated with the wet lab and tested the flow of device

Oct. 05/2016

Tested all functions of our system

Oct. 10/2016

Collected final Feedback

Demonstrated to our potential users for final feedbacks

Notebook - Device Design: Hardware
Idea of Hardware design
Jul. 04/2016

Prototype 1

Prototype 1 combine with toilet

Intergration of Hardware with arduino system
Jul. 18/2016

Assembled the Arduino system and prototype.

Materials at the first time.

team work

program test

Feasibility test
Aug. 01/2016

LED excited E. coli.

LED excited E. coli. with the filter

Photo-resistance testing

LED matrix

Prototype 2
Aug. 15/2016

Top View

Back View

Sensing block

test paper

insert direction

circuit column arrangement

3D animation of prototype 2
Aug. 29/2016

Produced Prototype 2 3D modal

Intergration of prototype 2
Sep. 12/2016

Arduino test


Prototype Molding
Sep. 26/2016

Colored the final prototype in white