

Attributions & Acknowledgements

The iGEM Stockholm team of 2016 would like to thank the supervisors, advisors, sponsors and everyone else involved, supporting and guiding us throughout the project. The realisation of this endeavor would not have been possible without them.


Assistant Professor Johan Rockberg, Primary PI
Antibody Technology and Directed Evolution
KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Assistant Professor Teresa Frisan, Secondary PI
Department of Cell and Molecular Biology (CMB)
Karolinska Institutet


Professor Ute Römling
Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC)
Karolinska Institutet

Associate Professor My Hedhammar
Protein-based materials
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Spiber Technologies

Researcher Kristina Westerlund
Division of Protein Technology
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology

Associate Professor Ines Ezcurra
Division of Industrial Biotechnology
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology


Thanks to

KTH Royal Institute of Technology and especially

the School of Biotechnology for the BSI lab

at AlbaNova University Center, the Stockholm Centre for

Physics, Astronomy and Biotechnology, and for supporting us

financially. The sponsorship made it possible for us to

travel to Boston and attend the giant Jamboree.

Karolinska Institutet for the BSII lab at

the Department Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology (MTC),

and for supporting us financially by paying the iGEM team

registration fee, realising the participation in the competition.

Also thanks to all people working in and around the labs at both AlbaNova and MTC for showing interest in our project and supporting us.

Special thanks to

Gunaratna Kuttuva Rajarao, Researcher at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, for introducing and providing us with the fully equipped BSI lab at AlbaNova University Center. She trusted us with the responsibility of the lab and generously provided us with a wide range of consumables and chemicals.

Benjamin Andrew Libberton, Postdoc at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, for sharing his expertise in Staphylococcus aureus and providing us with the Staphylococcus aureus Newman strain. With that we were able to grow biofilms to perform a wide range of tests for the function of our produced proteins, both individually and in complex with the others and recombinant produced spider silk.

Vincent O. Rotimi, Professor at Mubarak Al Kabeer Hospital, Jabriya, for sharing his thoughts on antibiotic resistance, alternative therapeutic options, containing infectious outbreaks and how SMITE could potentially be clinically applicable for diabetic foot wounds in the microbiology department.

Caroline Dahl, Head of Innovation & Research and Founder at Ortrud Medical, for mentoring us both in our research and funding, inspiring us and giving us tools in the search of funding. Also for participating in the Nordic iGEM Conference 2016 as one of the judges in the mini-Jamboree, evaluating the projects presented by the teams with the iGEM Headquarter requirements as guidelines.

Annika Cimdins, Postdoc at Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, for granting us access to the BSII lab at MTC and for helping us with the administrative work regarding the lab. She also educated the team members working at MTC in the safety of working in a BSII lab.

Steffen Robert Eickhardt-Dalbøge, Postdoc at University of Copenhagen, for advising us in biofilm modeling. With his invaluable guidance we found a model to best simulate a wound dressing in vitro.

Marko Ahteensuu, Collegium Researcher at University of Turku, Åbo, for preparing and holding the workshop in Synthetic Biology Ethics at the Nordic iGEM Conference 2016. He encouraged us into considering new aspects of ethics in our project through many interesting discussions.

Barbro Fröding, Researcher at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, for guiding us in the preparation of the workshop in Synthetic Biology Ethics at the Nordic iGEM Conference 2016 and together with Marko Ahteensuu discussing ethics of synthetic biology, giving us new perspectives of our work.

Vinoo Selvarajah, Assistant Director of the Registry at iGEM Headquarters, for attending the Nordic iGEM Conference 2016 representing the iGEM Headquarters and showing interest and enthusiasm for the event. He inspired by sharing and explaining the values of iGEM as a competition as well as an organisation.

Adekunle Adekile, Professor at Kuwait University, for guiding us in our research of effective proteins against biofilms and bacterial cells. With his expertise we were able to narrow down the search for potential proteins and optimize the selection.

Felix Richter, Max Karlander, Hugi Ásgeirsson, Sara Wideman and Manon Richard, team members of iGEM Stockholm 2015, for introducing the concept of iGEM and for invaluable support in every part of the project from practical lab work to team organization. They also helped in planning and executing the Nordic iGEM Conference 2016, making it a memorable experience.

Sina Amoor Pour, at Stockholm Makerspace, for supporting us in the planning and execution of our workshops for our Human Practices work. Also for showing interest in and promoting our project, and helping in establishing a collaboration between iGEM Stockholm and the Makerspace movement in Stockholm.

Also thanks to

Erik Frisk, Hanna Norbäck, Oskar Gustafsson, Jonas Fuks, André Berggren, and Khaled Buz, at Stockholm Makerspace.

iGEM Stockholm is sponsored by
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