
Inoculations of GFP Constructs (58 tubes)

After making our constructs, we inoculated cultures from previous transformations that have successfully expressed the fluorescent protein.
1.P-Lambda-R--LacI--GFP (no deg tag)

  1. 3 tubes in each cell type (DH10, Keio Wild, Keio ClpP) induced with 0 uM IPTG (plain LB)
  2. 3 tubes of each cell type (DH10, Keio Wild, Keio ClpP) induced with 100 uM IPTG (plain LB)
2. P-Lambda-R--LacI--GFP (DAS)
  1. 3 tubes in each cell type (DH10, Keio Wild, Keio ClpP) induced with 0 uM IPTG (plain LB)
  2. 3 tubes of each cell type (DH10, Keio Wild, Keio ClpP) induced with 100 uM IPTG (plain LB)
3. P-Lambda-R--LacI--GFP (LAA)
  1. 3 tubes in each cell type (DH10, Keio Wild, Keio ClpP) induced with 0 uM IPTG (plain LB)
  2. 3 tubes of each cell type (DH10, Keio Wild, Keio ClpP) induced with 100 uM IPTG (plain LB)
4. Plain LB, DH10 cells in plain LB, Keio Wild cells in plain LB, and Keio ClpP cells in plain LB 5. RESULTS:
  1. 10/17: The GFP constructs were brought to the plate reader at Georgia Tech. Although cells were grown in the liquid culture, they did not fluoresce.
6. Pictures:

Data from the Plate Reader