Difference between revisions of "Team:MIT/L7AeRepressingSystem"

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<h3 align: left>1. Set up</h3>
<h3 align: left>1. Set up</h3>
<p><i> Diagram of plasmids component goes here.</i></p>
<p><i> Diagram of plasmids component goes here.</i></p>
<p><i> Sample of embedding Prezi.</i></p>
<iframe id="iframe_container" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen="" width="550" height="400" src="https://prezi.com/embed/whxmdlezsqc_/?bgcolor=ffffff&amp;lock_to_path=0&amp;autoplay=0&amp;autohide_ctrls=0&amp;landing_data=bHVZZmNaNDBIWnNjdEVENDRhZDFNZGNIUE43MHdLNWpsdFJLb2ZHanI0amh0YUdHYlBsa0NCaVBkNHlSeTRBVU5nPT0&amp;landing_sign=drUpcMKuNV7Fs4YFsgyvbWv0BWbjeA9k3PkYTB-I9QM"></iframe>
<iframe id="iframe_container" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen="" mozallowfullscreen="" allowfullscreen="" width="550" height="400" src="https://prezi.com/embed/whxmdlezsqc_/?bgcolor=ffffff&amp;lock_to_path=0&amp;autoplay=0&amp;autohide_ctrls=0&amp;landing_data=bHVZZmNaNDBIWnNjdEVENDRhZDFNZGNIUE43MHdLNWpsdFJLb2ZHanI0amh0YUdHYlBsa0NCaVBkNHlSeTRBVU5nPT0&amp;landing_sign=drUpcMKuNV7Fs4YFsgyvbWv0BWbjeA9k3PkYTB-I9QM"></iframe>

Revision as of 15:22, 8 October 2016

L7Ae k-turn repressing system

L7Ae - kink turn Repressing System

System mechanism

L7Ae is an RNA binding protein, and a K turn is an RNA sequence that L7Ae recognizes and binds. The binding activity of L7Ae will prevent the ribosome machinery from performing translation. Using the RNA level control with the inducible promoter, we hope to tune the basal expression of the recombinase to the level that will sense the difference between the levels of repressors and miRNA in the healthy and diseased states of endometrial cells. We will first try this experiment in HEK293, and then we will move on to MCF-7 and tHESC.


1. Set up

Diagram of plasmids component goes here.

Sample of embedding Prezi.

Read more about building kturn constructs here.

2. Results

Testing the 2x k-turn L7Ae system with varied L7Ae expression level

Testing the effect of varying k-turn sequences