We are very grateful for financial support from Stanford University REU, Stanford VPUE Grant for Undergraduate Research, Brown University UTRA, NASA Space Technology Mission Directorate Early Innovation, Ames Chief Technologist Office, NASA Ames Center Investment Fund, and the Rhode Island Space Grant.
Project Support and Advice
Thank you to our advisors! Especially Trevor! who was always there for us even on those late nights.
All experiments were conducted by the team members and all images are originally created unless otherwise noted. List of sub-project attributions:
•Collagen/Elastin: Charles Gleason, Anna Le
•p-Aramid: Eric Liu, Anna Le, Charles Gleason
•Latex: Gordon Sun, Taylor Sihavong
•UV Protection: Elias Robinson, Michael Becich
•Gas Production: Taylor Sihavong
•Chromoproteins: Cynthia Hale-Philips, Theresa Sievert
•Fluorophore-Quencher: Michael Becich
•IRES: Julia Gross, Amy Weissenbach
•Aptamer Purification: Amy Weissenbach, Julia Gross, Michael Becich
Wiki Architect
Taylor Pullinger (with support from former team member, Forrest Tran)
Graphics Design
Taylor Sihavong, Taylor Pullinger
Human Practices Liason
Amy Weissenbach
Functional Nucleic Acid Advice
Mark Ditzler, NASA Research Scientist
Christina Smolke, Stanford University Associate Professor of Bioengineering
Melanin Production Metabolic Engineering
Guillermo Gosset, Departamento de Ingeniería Celular y Biocatálisis, Instituto de Biotecnología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de MéxicoProtein Extraction Support
Jesica Navarrete
Microscopy Support
Ivan Paulino-Lima
General Lab Management
Trevor! KalkusGriffin McCutcheon
iGEM Logistics and Presentation Coaching
Lynn Rothschild, Kara RogersWe appreciate all the people involved in helping make a successful iGEM team!
We would like to thank Dr. Lynn Rothschild, Dr. Kara Rogers, Dr. Gary Wessel, Dr. Kosuke Fujishima, Dr. Ivan Paulino-Lima, Dr. Mark Ditzler, Griffin McCutcheon, Trevor! Kalkus, Ryan Kent, Jesica Navarrete, Simon Vecchioni, Jim Head, Jill Tartar, Margaret Race, and Maria Chavez.