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Since 1998 Prof. Dr. Arne Skerra is Full Professor at the [http://www.tum.de Technische Universität München], where he heads the [http://biologische-chemie.userweb.mwn.de/ Institute of Biological Chemistry]. He is internationally renowned for his comprehensive experience and his pioneering contributions in the fields of molecular biotechnology and protein engineering.
Since 1998 Prof. Dr. Arne Skerra is Full Professor at the [http://www.tum.de Technische Universität München], where he heads the [http://biologische-chemie.userweb.mwn.de/ Institute of Biological Chemistry]. He is internationally renowned for his comprehensive experience and his pioneering contributions in the fields of molecular biotechnology and protein engineering.
In addition to his scientific excellence he strives to apply and economically utilize academic results, and to date he founded two start-ups. He advises our iGEM team scientifically and offers laboratory places at his chair.
In addition to his scientific excellence he strives to apply and economically utilize academic results, and to date he founded two start-ups. He advises our iGEM team scientifically and offers laboratory places at his chair.
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==== Prof. Dr. Arne Skerra ====
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Biological Chemistry TUM WZW
Since 1998 Prof. Dr. Arne Skerra is Full Professor at the [http://www.tum.de Technische Universität München], where he heads the [http://biologische-chemie.userweb.mwn.de/ Institute of Biological Chemistry]. He is internationally renowned for his comprehensive experience and his pioneering contributions in the fields of molecular biotechnology and protein engineering.
In addition to his scientific excellence he strives to apply and economically utilize academic results, and to date he founded two start-ups. He advises our iGEM team scientifically and offers laboratory places at his chair.
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==== Prof. Dr. Gil Gregor Westmeyer ====
<div class="imagelink float-right">[[Media:T--LMU-TUM_Munich--GGW.jpg]][[Image:T--LMU-TUM_Munich--GGW.jpg|200px|link=]]
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Professor for Molecular Imaging - IBMI/IDG - Helmholtz Center Munich
Professor Westmeyer studied medicine and philosophy in Munich and conducted his doctoral work on the molecular basis of Alzheimer’s disease in Professor Christian Haass’ laboratory in Munich before performing a part of his clinical education at Harvard Medical School. In 2005 he moved to Professor Alan Jasanoff’s laboratory at M.I.T. where he carried out postdoctoral research until he became an assistant professor at TUM School of Medicine in 2012. Professor Westmeyer also leads a Helmholtz Young Investigators’ group on molecular imaging at the Helmholtz Center Munich. He accompanies our iGEM team scientifically and offers his laboratory place in his group.
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Revision as of 21:53, 19 October 2016

The TU and LMU Munich team 2016

This year we have an especially diverse Team since it was formed by bringing together students from Munich’s most important Universities. The Ludwig-Maximilian University and the Technical University of Munich decided to look for interested students to participate in this year’s Giant Jamboree. That’s how the two Instructors of this year working at the chair of biological Chemistry at the WZW from the TUM gathered together ten Students from the TUM and six students of the LMU to work together. The outcome was a perfectly mixed team from members with experience in molecular biology, mechanics, and even electronics. We were very lucky to be able to match together while working at the lab and we truly enjoyed the time spent together. It was also evident how each of us could support the project with our diverse skills.
Thanks to the imminent support of Prof. Dr. Arne Skerra and his team at the chair of biological chemistry we were able to accomplish our experiments and biological works in his well-equipped laboratory.
Of course, we didn’t miss the opportunity to take photos of all team members while performing their preferred activities at the lab.

Student Members

Clemens Ries

Field of Study:

Master 3rd semester

Technische Universität München

Every time we wanted to know anything about cloning, Clemens was the best person to approach from the team. With his extensive experience in molecular biology due to his multiple jobs as student assistant at various investigation centers, he was able to keep the backbone of the project always straight. Trustworthy, honest and a ready-to-help person describes him perfectly. One of his best skills is rhetoric; indeed, he was capable of explaining us everything in the best possible manner. One word you'll hear him saying very often is hervorragend!, which in german means brilliant! or outstanding!, so you get an idea of the positive energy he transmits.

Enes Uğur

Field of Study:

Master 3rd semester

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Our Kill-Switch guy, in cloning of safety mechanisms there is no one who can beat him. AKA the „Philosopher“ in our team; he has a broad knowledge in all areas and also beyond science; he will always come up with a well balanced and profound opinion. He was always prepared to make a transformation at evening. He did a lot for the debate and big part of the organization of it. Enes is compassionate and communicative, he likes to converse in a peaceful and clear manner. As a Student he is good involved in research and student activities.

Christoph Gruber

Field of Study:
Molecular Biotechnology

Master 4th semester

Technische Universität München

He definitely has an awful lot of enthusiam and he was also always up to improve our project in any possible way. In this he was consistently materializing ideas regarding any project/challenge. Multi-tasker and business man, motivation keeper and entrepeneurship are the words to describe him. With his constructive an critical mind he constantly kept an eye on every aspect of the project, from the cloning to the human practice.

Madeleine Premm

Field of Study:

Bachelor 5th semester

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

She has no restraints when it comes to annoying people (e.g. calling 10000x times/h) in order to get what WE need. Full of joie de vivre. In organizing and precision she is the best one. Was it organizing the trips, planning and experiment or an event she could always make the best plan with a no possibility of going wrong. With her humor and her funny sarcasm she always filled the lab with the perfect amount of chill.

Javier Luna-Mazari

Field of Study:
Molecular Biotechnology

Bachelor 4th semester

Technische Universität München

Javi is our little stylish latin boy. As the only second-semester bachelor (At the begin of the competition) student it was not always easy for him to stay on track, but since has a curious and open mind he never hesitated asking for help and on the other hand offering his assistance for the everyday lab duties. By the way, there are no better SDS gels than those handmade by Javier. Seriously he's very gentle and helpful and would never say no to a favor. It feels like he's speaking a thousand languages fluently which is quite nice when you're in Paris chatting with the uber driver. One more outstanding thing about him - which might come from his Mexican roots - is that he's always chill and never in a bad mood, reminding us on taking life less seriously.

Elena Fajardo-Ruiz

Field of Study:

Bachelor 5th semester

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

¡Olé! Despite the few ;) kilometres to the Canary Islands Elena fortunately made her way to Munich to share all her Biology superpowers with the team. With her enthusiastic and tough personality she didn´t hesitate when it came to taking responsibility over challenging parts of the project, such as keeping cells alive without oxygen. We also benefited from her grasping her diplomatic expertise to represent the team wherever was needed. However, when being in the lab you wouldn´t convince Elena of cloning anything unless she knew what was “in there”. Further lessons we learned - daily must-haves: polo shirt and espresso!

Julian Hofmann

Field of Study:

Bachelor 5th semester

Technische Universität München

He may look a little serious at first but Julian has a lot of Interesting things to tell you. He has a broad spectrum of subjects and topics from which he knows about because of his curiosity.Caution: If you don't stop him from talking he won't. In school he would have had the nickname dictionary. And he earns it. This was a great advantage while participating with our team. If you'd like to know why why a certain molecular biology experiment works the way it does, he can explain you the scientific reason. He helped the team with many aspects from the project, from wiki and html through cloning, video making and taking care of the outreach part.

Manuel Trauner

Field of Study:

Master 3rd semester

Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München

Manuel is our authentic bavarian guy when it comes to his accent, character and dedication. He likes to fight against the Windows/MAC empire by convincing you about the benefits of linux. He is also modest and a super nice guy, though he knows a lot, he never shows off. In the team he was busy with the interlab project and in the production and analysis of proteins, where he discovered some cools skills he didn't know he has.

Vivien Lechner

Field of Study:

Master 1st semester

Technische Universität München

Still waters run deep! Vivien is a really pleasant company as she is super nice and modest. She has some impressive capabilities in chemistry and did some amazing work with 3D modelling in maya. She is kind talented and easy-going. When Vivien gets an assignment, there is no further need in supervising her a lot, she so self-reliant and accurate, you can be sure she get's it done. She is also very good with the english language, since she has lived some time as a child in the USA.

Jan Böhning

Field of Study:

Master 3rd semester


A biochemist from the bottom of his heart with passion for structural biology. Broad knowledge and experience in protein work made him a reliable contact person in the lab but beware since sarcasm is the language he knows the best. He doesn't take things too seriously but in the meantime has always a critical view on results and beyond. He always came up with great ideas and well-conceived opinions. As the giant that he is, it’s not always simple for him in the lab with the little benches and the low hanging emergency shower handles not yet mentioned the photographer that would have loved cutting him a little shorter to fit the frame. But Jan knows compensating that with his new mac.

Luisa Krumwiede

Field of Study:
Molecular Biotechnology

Bachelor 5th semester

Technische Universität München

Luisa is doubtless the life and soul at the lab. With her vivid personality she is always prepared to tell a good joke or make you smile with a story. Perseverance is her best attribute, Luisa was most of the time taking care of our fragile cells at the cell culture. Like a mother she took care of them and did all necessary experiments to keep them alive and working. Her engagement since she was in High School gave her a lot of experience in the cell culture.

Niklas Armbrust

Field of Study:
Molecular Biotechnology

Bachelor 5th semester

Technische Universität München

Niklas - or better: the Proteinator - was simply born for proteinbiochemistry. His heart is beating for the lab and it makes you smile when he's happy about experiments that worked out well. His lab-learning-curve was the biggest of all since he never hesitated challenging the scrary and expensive Äkta or fermenter machines. Staying 'til midnight or coming into the lab on the weekend was totally normal for him as a night owl any way, but watch out facing him before 9 a.m. it's just not his time for being awake already.

Moritz Münst

Field of Study:

Master 3rd semester


lorem ipsum

Michael Schön

Field of Study:
Engineering Science

Bachelor 3rd semester

Technische Universität München

We were desperatly searching for a real engineer to make a bioprinter out of our casual one. And there he was! As if he was made for the job he simply fixed everything, from the design of our own syringe pump to the repair of our beloved coffee can, and for sure a lot more stuff that is not quite clear to us biologists. On the other hand he also had a big interest in the biological part already being excited about holding a pipette. Much to our amusement he was saying things like:"I have no idea, I'm only the mechanician"

Peter Benedikt von Niebelschütz

Field of Study:
Media Informatics

Master 1st semester


Peter came late to the party. He doesn't have the faintest idea about synthethic biology, but was willing to help the team out with the wiki.

Hallie Knight Hughes

Field of Study:

Master 3rd semester


lorem ipsum

Principal Investigator

Prof. Dr. Arne Skerra

Biological Chemistry TUM WZW

Since 1998 Prof. Dr. Arne Skerra is Full Professor at the [http://www.tum.de Technische Universität München], where he heads the [http://biologische-chemie.userweb.mwn.de/ Institute of Biological Chemistry]. He is internationally renowned for his comprehensive experience and his pioneering contributions in the fields of molecular biotechnology and protein engineering. In addition to his scientific excellence he strives to apply and economically utilize academic results, and to date he founded two start-ups. He advises our iGEM team scientifically and offers laboratory places at his chair.

Prof. Dr. Arne Skerra

Biological Chemistry TUM WZW

Since 1998 Prof. Dr. Arne Skerra is Full Professor at the [http://www.tum.de Technische Universität München], where he heads the [http://biologische-chemie.userweb.mwn.de/ Institute of Biological Chemistry]. He is internationally renowned for his comprehensive experience and his pioneering contributions in the fields of molecular biotechnology and protein engineering. In addition to his scientific excellence he strives to apply and economically utilize academic results, and to date he founded two start-ups. He advises our iGEM team scientifically and offers laboratory places at his chair.

Prof. Dr. Gil Gregor Westmeyer

Professor for Molecular Imaging - IBMI/IDG - Helmholtz Center Munich

Professor Westmeyer studied medicine and philosophy in Munich and conducted his doctoral work on the molecular basis of Alzheimer’s disease in Professor Christian Haass’ laboratory in Munich before performing a part of his clinical education at Harvard Medical School. In 2005 he moved to Professor Alan Jasanoff’s laboratory at M.I.T. where he carried out postdoctoral research until he became an assistant professor at TUM School of Medicine in 2012. Professor Westmeyer also leads a Helmholtz Young Investigators’ group on molecular imaging at the Helmholtz Center Munich. He accompanies our iGEM team scientifically and offers his laboratory place in his group.

Prof. Dr. Kirsten Jung

Chair of Microbiology at the LMU

  • Coordinator of the DFG of the key program [http://www.spp1617.de/ SPP 1617].
  • Spokeswoman of the graduation college [http://www.grk2062.uni-muenchen.de/index.html GRK 2062] “Molecular Principles of Synthetic Biology”.
  • Member of the board of the Excellency cluster [http://www.cipsm.de/en/index.html CiPSM] “Center of Integrated Protein Science Munich”.
  • Mentor at the faculty for biology [http://www.mikrobiologie.biologie.uni-muenchen.de/personen/kjung/jung_k/lmumentoring/index.html LMUMentoring].


Andreas Reichert

PhD student at the chair of Biological Chemistry TUM WZW.

Field of Study:
Molecular Biotechnology

Together with Volker, Andi was advising the whole experiments and teaching us the different methods of molecular biology and how to use all the equipment at the chair of biological chemistry. While mentoring us we have learnt a lot of new things from him and we got a better understanding and how to properly use what we got at the laboratory.

Volker Morath

PhD student at the chair of Biological Chemistry TUM WZW.

Field of Study:
Biology (graduated)

Former Participation:
Freiburg 2010, TU_Munich 2012, TU_Munich 2013

After participating three times in iGEM, once in Freiburg, twice in Munich, Volker - lovingly called by us "Molkers Vorrat" - is now once again supervising this year's iGEM team. From his previous participation he has gained lots of useful experience in order to keep us always on the right track.

Philipp Pfingstag

Research associate and PhD candidate at the Dr. Theo Schöller Chair in Technology and Innovation Management (Prof. Dr. Joachim Henkel)

Field of Study:
Synthethic biology

Philipp is in charge of taking care of the human practices and outreach of the team.

Dong-Jiunn Jeffery Truong

Field of Study:
Molecular Biotechnology

PhD student at the Helmholtz Zentrum München.

Former participation in:
TU_Munich 2012, TU_Munich 2013

After participating for the first time in iGEM on 2012 and 2013, Jeffery was sure it would not be the last time he was going to participate. He has a keen interest in actuation techniques (optogenetics, magnetogenetics, sonogenetics) and rewiring of cellular signaling, which made him the perfect fit to advicse our team on the biological engineering part of the project. Besides to his enormous wisdom, he is one of the most uncomplicated and down-to-earth people we ever got acquainted with.

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LMU & TUM Munich

Technische Universität MünchenLudwig-Maximilians-Universität München

United team from Munich's universities

Contact us:


iGEM Team TU-Munich
Emil-Erlenmeyer-Forum 5
85354 Freising, Germany