

Team members’ attributions

    Every member of our team joint their painstaking effort, and together we achieved great accomplishments. We are proud of ourselves!

Chunyang Ni

  • Proposed the Cyclebow system and designed the circuits.
  • Constructed phage-tet on-nls Cre (STARTER CIRCUIT). Participated in the construction of COUNTER CIRCUIT and REPORTER CIRCUIT.
  • Helped to set up SYSU-CCiC.
  • Mentored SYSU-Medicine.
  • Wrote the Cyclebow target and the Collaboration part in the WIKI.

Qianbin Zhang

     This year I am the team leader in charge of all details of experiments and all the paperwork. These include:

  • Drew detailed and practical experimental plans of each period and assigned team members with appropriate tasks.
  • Analyzed the results and data, and gave feedback to the conductors as well as readjust the experi-mental plans.
  • Book reagents needed for experiments and borrow cell lines and plasmids from school’s laboratories.
  • Designed framework for the presentation, poster and WIKI. I also collected, checked and arranged the text written by other team members.

    In addition to decision making, I also carried out many experiments, and generated most of the results, including:

  • Constructing SNAP UNIT, and the REPORTER CIRCUIT, exchanged the G1 promoters.
  • Carrying out the whole procedure of building stable cell lines: one circuit by one circuit into different cell lines of A549, Hela and MCF7.
  • Conducting testing experiments such as confirmation of inducible tet-Cre cell lines, determination of A549’s cell cycle.
  • Final system testing.
  • Writing the Cyclebow design and the result parts in WIKI.

Lizhen Ma

  • My main experimental part was molecular cloning.
  • I succeeded in basic elements ligation (Vika & mcherry).
  • I also took part in cell culture and inducing.
  • I screened the cell lines containing our devices.
  • In the part of Human Practice, I am the sponsor of the CCiC and responsible for every parts of CCiC.
  • I also wrote part of the WIKI and took photos for my team members.

Xinyi Liu

     This year I mainly made contribution in the aspects of molecular experiment,designing work and human practice.

   For molecular experiment, I:

  • Helped to construct the VIKA UNIT and mCHERRY UNIT;
  • Standardized our UNITs and cyclic promoters, registered our parts, documented them and shipped them to Boston;

    For designing work, I:

  • Communicated with our designer for the design of wiki, poster and wiki;
  • Designed the team uniform and team banner;

    For human practice, I:

  • Set up a game booth at the Bio-festival hoste d by School of Life Science, Sun Yat-sen University, games to spread the idea of synthetic biology and cyclebow;
  • Gave a lecture to students of National Teenager High School Science Camp to share the idea of synthetic biology and our project cyclebow;
  • Designed t he logo, brochure, poster, admission card, certificate of participation and trophy of SYSU-CCiC;
  • Registered the Wechat Subscription Account (sysuchina) of our team and sent out articles to let our fans know more about our team, our school, our project and SYSU-CCiC.

Di’ao Liu

      In this year’s iGEM, I mainly participated in the Interlab Study, the CCiC for Human Practise, and the molecular experiments of our Cyclebow, including:

  • Participated in all preparation for transformation, cells growth, devices for experiments, etc.
  • Measuring the fluorescence, making blanket and FITC standard curve. Writing the Interlab results and protocol of SYSU-China’s wiki.
  • Measuring the fluorescence, making blanket and FITC standard curve. Writing the Interlab results and protocol of SYSU-China’s wiki.
  • Consultant for whole consortium.
  • Order keeper and arrangement manager.
  • Helping construct the Bio-bricks for our team.

Xichen Nie

      I mainly involved in cellular experiments, which include:

  • Detection of cell cycle of Hela cell line by using PI staining DNA and flow cytometry analysis;
  • Testing whether our designed Tet-on-Cre system works on mRNA level by transient transfection in Hela cell line and RT-PCR;
  • Establishment of Tet-on-Cre HelaS cell line;
  • Functional testing of whether the constructed expression vectors of different G1 promoters work by transient transfection in 293T cell line;
  • Character testing of G1 promoters by establishing pCDK4-SNAP, pCCNE-SNAP,pKi67-SNAP 293T cell lines.
  • I also obtained three promoters from cDNA by PCR and contributed to part of Project and Protocols of WIKI.

Xiaowen Mao

     I focus mainly on the InterLab Study together with Yu Tao, Diao Liu and Ma Lizhen. Besides, I also helped out with the molecular part of the main project Cyclebow, including transformation, plasmid extraction, digestion and ligation, PCR and gel electrophoresis. During the CCiC, I also helped out when needed.

Yu Tao

     I mainly focused in Interlab Study experiments and its data processing. I also help with parts of the main experiments and Human Practice as a staff member.

Xiangyue Hu

     I mainly involved in cellular experiments and molecular experiments, incuding:

  • Cell culture of all cell lines, including subculturing, cryopreservation and recovery.
  • HeLa cell cycle determination and data processing, by PI staining and flow cytometry.
  • Function testing of pCCNE-GFP, pCDK4-GFP, pKI67-GFP by transformation and fluorescence detection.
  • Function testing of TET-CRE system by transient transformation and RT-PCR.
  • Virus packaging of TET-CRE system.
  • Construction of SNAP-Vika and SNAP-mCherry.
  • Function testing of phage-pCCNE/pki67/pCDK4-snap.
  • I also contributed to Protocol and Safety part of wiki, and took part in poster introducing in CCiC.

Ancheng Deng

     I mainly involved in mathemetical model building, which includes:

  • Hybrid-color model design and building to extend the usage of pure-color experimental model.
  • HSC survival model design and building to simulate and describe the HSC survival in vivo.
  • Cellular automaton realization to integrate and visualize the hybrid color change, survival and spacial migration of HSC.

Qi Yu

     I participated in mathematical model designing, which includes Hybrid-color model and colored cell division model. The bulk of my work is in arithmetic model building, code designing and modelling visualization.

Zhurun Chen

     I’m responsible for building the wiki website.

Instructors’ attribution

    We are the luckiest team as we are accompanied by such supportive instructors!

Junjiu Huang

     As our PI, Professor Huang guided us with the decision of Cyclebow, and helped us establish its application. He also helped us contact our host lab, and instructed us in cell cultivation and cell lines decision.

     In CCiC, he presented a speech at the opening ceremony which gave us sincerely wishes and strength to stick to our goals. He also attended the first presentation day, and gave precious advice to the presenters.

Feng Liu

     As our vice PI, doctor Liu provided us with tremendous help. As he is working in the host lab we applied for, he helped us connect lab members for borrowing plasmids or cell lines and arranged space for us to put our reagents and frozen cells. He also helped with decision making and experimental plans making during the project process.

     In CCiC, he presented a speech at the closing ceremony addressing his highly appreciation to this consortium and encouraging all the iGEMers.

     He also helped with booking the hotels and airline tickets, and he will accompany us to the Great Jamboree in Boston.

Yan Zhang

     As the vice dean and the principal of iGEM program in our School or Life Sciences, Professor Zhang put great attention in our project this year and was also willing to support us. She attended our thesis proposal, and gave useful advice as she is an expert in stem cell researches.

     She also attended our CCiC and gave a speech in the opening ceremony, approving our work and encouraging undergrads to proceed scientific researches.

Supports from host lab

    Such a wonderful and cherishing experience with the lab!

Our host lab this year is the lab of Stem Cell and Functional Genomics Laboratory of the School of Life Sciences. We received mass support from staffs and lab members throughout our project process, which includes:

  • Commonly used reagents such as PBS, ethanol, and materials like centrifuge tubes, and experimental instruments like incubators and centrifuges are all provided by our host lab.
  • Lab manager Ms. Zhong and lab assistant Ms. Sun helped us with all the reagent booking, by sending our booking lists to specific reagent agencies.
  • Lab members lent us cell lines of Hela, A549, MCF-7, 293T, parts of mCherry and CYAN, and all the vectors we needed for experiments. They also generously gave us advice on many experimental details.

Supports from other teams

    iGEM is a big family!

Exchange ideas with SZU, FAFU and XMU

     After Synbiobeta Activate-Shenzhen, team SZU founded a meet up to exchange ideas. During the meet up, we help SZU to debug the construction of their circuits and the project design.

Exchange parts with SYSU-Software and FAFU-China

     We shared iGEM interlab kits and iGEM plate kits with SYSU-Software. During our experiments, we found out that one of our Interlab plasmids (Device I) could not be transformed well in bacterial culture medium. So we borrowed some plasmids from SYSU-Software. Furthermore, SYSU-Software had used up one of their plate kits (B0015 terminator) and we gave them ours.

     We received several parts (CFP, YFP) from team FAFU-China when the shipment of Biobrick to China is still confusing. Sincerely thanks to FAFU-China!

Attending CCiC

     28 teams and more than 200 students came to attend our CCiC. Everyone enjoyed the time and harvest a lot. Thank all the iGEMers for their participation!