

Helping first year SYSU-MEDICINE

     It’s important to find new friends in iGEM. We are glad to help first year SYSU-MEDICINE, the third iGEM team of Sun Yat-sen University by offering vital helps to them on registration and part submission. We also offered them digested backbones for their BioBrick construction. Reference can be seen in the Collaboration site of SYSU-MEDICINE.

Figure 1: Meetup with SYSU-MEDICINE at their host lab

SYSU-Software helped with CCiC

     This year we organized Central China iGEM Consortium (CCiC) from early April, and the consortium was held September 2nd to 4th in Hedanqing Lecture Hall in our university. As a brotherly team, SYSU-Software provided us with plenty of help during the consortium period. Reference can be seen in the Collaboration site of SYSU-Software.

Figure 2: We held the CCiC together!

Exchange ideas with SZU, FAFU and XMU

     After Synbiobeta Activate-Shenzhen, team SZU founded a meet up to exchange ideas. During the meet up, we help SZU to debug the construction of their circuits and the project design. Reference can be seen in the Collaboration site of FAFU and Collaboration site of SZU.

Figure 3: The conference of FAFU, SYSU, XMU iGEM teams

Exchange parts with SYSU-Software and FAFU-China

     We shared iGEM Interlab kits and iGEM plate kits with SYSU-Software. During our experiments, we found out that one of our Interlab plasmids (Device I) could not be transformed well in bacterial culture medium. So we borrowed some plasmids from SYSU-Software. Furthermore, SYSU-Software had used up one of their plate kits (B0015 terminator) and we gave them ours. Reference can be seen in the Collaboration site of SYSU-Software.

     We received several parts (CFP, YFP) from team FAFU-China when the shipment of Biobrick to China is still confusing. Sincerely thanks to FAFU-China! Reference can be seen in the Collaboration site of FAFU.