Team:SYSU-CHINA/Integrated Practices


     Human practice is an important part of iGEM. As future scientists, we mainly focused on scientific research which may create new applications and method used in everywhere and everything. Nevertheless, we also have a great responsibility about what and how we provide them.

     As stem cells therapy is unfamiliar for most of the people, we outstretched our project into the discussion of the safety and efficiency of stem cell therapy. So we discussed with lots of fellows and experts in CCiC about our project and the concern of medical treatments. We also introduced the concept and highlights about stem cell therapy to senior high school students and presented our ideas in SYSU-Bio-festival (an important activity in our university) to promote the treatments of stem cells and allow more people to know them. Furthermore, we set up a questionnaire to collect people’s opinions on stem cell therapy.

     During CCiC, iGEMers from different team were also helpful with advice on how we could improve our system. We harvested suggestions for our experiments, poster and presentation.

     For communication with the teams in SYSU, we helped SYSU-Medicine and SYSU-Software with the vital issues during the experiments and they also gave helpful advices to us. We also collaborated with SZU and FAFU.