

The concept of our idea is to strengthen the bio-pattern formation in augmented reality which means we are trying to make control of the bio-pattern by computer paths and systems. The pattern formation has been a significant research field in synthetic biology over the past 50 years,there were several major breakthroughs on the mechanism of the form of biology. Many scientific research teams are trying to verify and understand these theoretical models with the idea of synthetic loop. In the meanwhile, we also considered what bio-pattern formation could be applied for and how bio-pattern formation could influence our lives. Moreover, we did other work to help our project. And we also do some outreach activities to raise public understanding of our project.


One of our most successful educational initiatives this year is that our team wrote and published a handbook which combined the synthetic biology, bioinformatics and molecular biological technology to give the public a better understanding of the synthetic biology and what synthetic biology can do for our life. Also, we state a brief introduction of the iGEM competition and the team of HZAU-China .

In order to use the opportunity of working and learning with students to the maximum, we hosted a freshman reception to the college of life, science and technology in Huazhong Agricultural University. In which we give a introduction of the bio-pattern formation and synthetic biology, we gave a invitation for the students to visit the HZAU-China Laboratory in the same time.

            Public Engagement

HZAU-China took part in calculating system biology conference which hosted by the college of science in Huazhong Agricultural University on March,2016. The conference lasted 3 days and talked about the bio-power system and the synthetic biology. We helped the meeting to conduct smoothly and discussed some topics about synthetic biology and questions of our project this year with the expert and professors who participated the conference.


Our team has always been looking for chances to communicate with various student associations and activities. This year, we host the “One-Thousand Question”program together with the student union of the the college of life, science and technology in Huazhong Agricultural University. “One-Thousand Question” program is aimed at the communication between the professors and the undergraduate students and this is the seventh program carried in the college. During which we talked about the learning methods and how to gain a better understanding of the synthetic biology.


Team experience-sharing with NPU

The HZAU-China helped the newly iGEM team of the Northwestern Pyrotechnical University to complete their team structure and in Wuhan on May,2016. This sharing lasted 3 days and during which we shared different ideas and thoughts with each other,including the whole set of the project ,the human practice part and how to build the team.We discussed how to make the program better and raise the public aware of synthetic biology.西工大连接


Collaboration with HUST-China

In August,2016 we collaborated with Huazhong University of Science and Technology in the interlab program, sharing the LUDOX reagent. And in October,we shared our ELIASA with HUST-China due to their equipment failure.

Deep collaboration with ZJU-iGEM

we shared the HZAU-China Laboratory with Zhejiang University due to the security need during G20 Summit,applying molecular cloning technique,microfluidics testing platform and photocontrol system. Besides ,we guided the design of ZJU-iGEM’s microfluidics equipment. We get the gene knockout plasmid from ZJU-iGEM.

        Meet up

2016 HUST China cheering up

Our team take part in 2016 iGEM HUST China cheering up in Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan this summer. We shared our idea and experience of experiments and mathematical modeling with other iGEMers. There were so many enthusiastic students from the university all over the country. We talked about projects, some difficulties we ever faced during the conference.

2016 STSU CCiC

We are invited to participate in the third CCiC (Conference of China iGEMer's Committee) hosted by SUN YAT-SEN University on September ,2016. In the presentation time, many teams show their project and ideas . In tea break time, we communicated actively with other teams about our project, and received many good advice and suggestions.

By the way, the CCiC means “Central China iGEMers Consortium”. It’s origin from the 1st Central China iGEMers' meet up hosted by our team in 2014.

Mini talks with ZJU-iGEM

During the summer vacation ,6 members of our team went to Zhejiang University for a minitype communication.In the meeting we discussed the project and teams of each other. We got some useful feedback for our project ideas , and also some valuable advice about how to successfully plan and execute an iGEM project in general. It was a really inspiring communication that properly kicked off our thinking into human practices.

        Enterprise and society

Combining with our program this year(bio-pattern formation in augmented reality),we are looking for a relevant and influential enterprise for further development. In the research and observation of our program, we are planning to bring in the monitoring function of computer in order to get a real time monitoring and adjustment of the bio-pattern which means connect the virtual world with the real cultivate, that’s the AR part of our program. So we decided to collaborate with Baofeng company which was a video player technology company in China to provide us the equipment we need. And using the impact of the company to present the public the vast amount of possibilities that synthetic biology has to offer to not only the scientific community, but also the public community.

        Law and regulation

We are hammer at applying for a patent for our program this year (bio-pattern formation in augmented reality), the relevant data and information have been handed in to the State Intellectual Property Office of the P.R.C.